IMPORTANT: 1/4/20, I have changed my name in both minecraft, and on this site from Darth Feanor to Duvain Feynorim!You may download and use the provided content only in a private use manor, all content is copyrighted by Duvain Feynorim of Planet Minecraft. If you wish to use the content for other purposes, please contact me at Planet Minecraft(Duvain Feynorim) or via Discord(Dúvain Feynorim#8707). (aka, please dont repost my stuff on other sites guys.)Hello... and that's about it I think...
May you, reader, find your way closer to the Lord.
If you want to see some great
Creation Science videos here's some by Kent Hovind.
Important note about my content!
I only post my content on the following sites, if my content if found elsewhere it may contain a virus/malware!
The sites I post on are:
- Planet Minecraft (Duvain Feynorim)
- Minecraft Curseforge (DuvainFeynorim)
Star Wars
Marvel/DC stuff
Destiny 2
Minecraft IGN:
Steam Profile Name:
Darth Feanor
Favorite Servers:
Fiskheroes Community Server
Rise of Morgoth
Armourers Workshop official server