Ming Yi Minecraft Skin
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u_okeii_fam's Avatar u_okeii_fam
Level 36 : Artisan Artist
Ming Yi from Tian Guan Ci Fu :D It was rlly fun making this, though someone had to borrow my only full functioning computer (the one I make skins on, the others are either 1. slow asf or 2. has a cracked screen worse than main computer) when I was about to get started with the robes.

I went with one of his simpler designs since im lazy and I find it neat. I like all the gold lol.

You most likely can use 3-pixel arms on this (and btw if you were wondering, I say this in each skin because for some [like mu qing] the arms are too complicated, resulting in patterns getting messed up and things falling over onto the other side of the arm. simpler things, like hc's, xl's, hannya's, etcetc have simpler arms so the colors won't get messed up when converting into 3-pixel)

Next skin in most likely gonna be Qingxuan so I can finish beefleaf or feng xin (leaning toward qingxuan lol, im too scared and lazy to do feng xin)


Edit: btw if you notice some things weird w/ any of my skins, let me know cause when I go back to edit ones on mncs I always find things that werent there before, like slabs of white on top of the legs and bottom of the torso. its annoying and i dont want that happening to skins ppl possibly might be using :D

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08/09/2019 2:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
drunkonspace's Avatar
i love all of your tgcf skins so much
