Moblin Minecraft Skin
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Level 84 : Elite Baconator
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Craft along with it's contents (such as this) by Koa_Neuva is licensed available for viewing HERE

The Moblin is the primary muscle of Ganon's army. Common as foot soldiers and quite unintelligent,[​1] they've been around since the very first Zelda game where they started as anthropomorphic bulldogs. By Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons,n they were combined with Butablins, and took on a more piggish nappearance. Other related species include the smaller but more nintelligent Bokoblin, the tiny Miniblin, and the more militaristic Bulblin. Moblins have appeared in most games in The Legend of Zelda series, except for Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, and Phantom Hourglass
CreditNintendo, Zelda Wiki

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Koa_Neuva 10/09/2011 8:54:49 pmOct 9th, 2011

Got interviewed and judged a contest on thanks to my texture pack that Hyrule Craft Weekly uses. Here's their schedule for future events too

For those of you too lazy to look for it (myself included), CLICK HERE to get the texture pack, and don't forget to check out Hyrule Craft Weekly, the biggest users of my texture pack made public thus far. :D

Check my blog for more info HERE.

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09/03/2013 8:36 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Ranger
Can I use this skin for a Zelda resource pack?
09/04/2013 7:50 am
Level 84 : Elite Baconator
Please read the FAQs in my resource pack.
