PikACHOO |  teal hair in desc Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

PikACHOO | teal hair in desc

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Moon's Avatar Moon
Level 57 : Grandmaster uwu
Little Pikachu skin, I have two versions since I couldn't make up my mind
Anyway I'm so happy that this came out the way I wanted it to, came out better than my vision which usually doesn't happen, it goes total opposite for me. Let me know if you peoples have the same issue when trying to recreate an image in your head!

Wow this is a normal looking skin, usually do really strange contrast and pastel skins
This is nice and refreshing to put out a bit of variety while keeping things within the same aesthetic

This will be the last skin for quite the while, so I figured to put out a few today and keep it at that until next year. I don't think I'll ever quit skinning and see myself keeping this hobby for years on like I have already. It's been so long 6 years now! But just need little breaks in between, hopefully you might be able to understand!
Anyway enough rambling here's v2

PikACHOO |  teal hair in desc Minecraft Skin

might make v3
half brown hair and half pink??

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11/21/2019 6:23 pm
Any/All • Level 67 : High Grandmaster Lemon
Kawaii's Avatar
oh my GOSHH thank you for posting triple, they are all beautiful:)
11/22/2019 7:46 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster uwu
Moon's Avatar
awww thank you so so so much <333 you think so?!
11/21/2019 2:02 pm
Any/All • Level 81 : Elite Meme Wisp
anxii's Avatar
3 beautiful skins in a day omg my eyes've been blessed
11/22/2019 7:46 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster uwu
Moon's Avatar
awwww you have always been way too sweet to me!!!
