Pixel Base - Alex [8 Skintones] Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Pixel Base - Alex [8 Skintones]

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Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
I've had my current skin for a heckin' long time, so I figured it was about time to make a new one. I didn't like the shading on my old base (and I think it was retrofitted from someone else's base years ago when I was an idiot, so I'm happy to be relegating it to disuse), so I spent a few hours making this new one, and I'm pretty happy with it! Figured I'd post it for others to use as well, if they so choose.

I'm also including eight other skin tones in the margins/unused space (will be visible if you download, if I'm not mistaken), just in case this one doesn't work for you! I still recommend picking a color palette that works with your shading style--mine skews towards purple for shade tones--but it should at least give you a starting point. Which is kinda the point of making a base, isn't it?

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