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So yeah, I decided I wanted to try Hive style again, and I'm not sure if this is good or not. It is a very basic skin, and I feel like the colors are a bit off. Please tell me if there are things I got wrong (Anyone who knows HIVE style)
Credit | HIVE GAMES, Bubblez705, JustaFlqmingo, ThunderBoomPika, Hive Style 101 |
Gender | Male |
Format | Java |
Model | Alex |
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1 Update Logs
Update #1 : by The Last Kirbalorian 05/17/2024 12:01:09 amMay 17th, 2024
I updated some of the colors, and fixed some things in between the arms
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hold up
Here are some teeny tiny little things I would fix since you have a lot of potential:
I would make the mid tone on the pants a little less blue to fit with the rest and give all the colors more contrast and saturation
red looks fine imo
skin tone could use a little less contrast and maybe be hue shifted a little less, although I'm not sure. def add a little less contrast tho
Lastly, I'd say to fix the mid tone a bit by making it less on the darker grey side and give it more saturation. Same with the the dark and light tone kinda, as I'd make it the dark tone darker and both tones a little more and more saturated with more contrast
Minor color issues, however, your technique is on spot!
You took everything I said and made it better :O