ReDead Minecraft Skin
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Koa_Neuva's Avatar Koa_Neuva
Level 84 : Elite Baconator
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Craft along with it's contents (such as this) by Koa_Neuva is licensed available for viewing HERE

Before they are even seen, ReDeads make their presence known with low-pitched moans. They normally stand or sit in the fetal position until Link approaches, at which they will rise and slowly shuffle towards him. Whenn they get close enough, they will paralyze Link with a bone-chilling scream, jump onto his back, and bite his head and neck repeatedly. Interestingly, Link cannot become paralyzed in areas with a fixed camera position, such as Castle Town's ruined marketplace, possibly because of the way the camera usually zooms in when the monster screams.

ReDeads are quite slow, both in walking and recovering from an attack, making them fairly easy to slay. In addition, when a ReDead is slain, any other ReDeads in the area walk towards and crouch beside the fallen ReDead until its body fades away, ignoring Link and making killing the whole group easier; this behavior is never explained in the game, although plausible explanations could be that they are mourning its death or even eating its corpse.

Both ReDeads and Gibdos have a flaw; they're blind, meaning Link can walk by normally or with the Iron Boots, and will pass by unnoticed, with the exception of Deku Nuts. If Link pulls out or puts away any weapon, or runs about near them, they'll hear it and attempt to paralyze him with their vivid scream. If one attaches itself to Link, the only method of escaping is mashing the A and B buttons on the controller to escape, then stab it with the sword after being freed. The longer the ReDead is attached to Link, the more damage he suffers.

In Ocarina of Time, Link can play the Sun's Song to freeze them for a short amount of time. In Majora's Mask, light reflected off the Mirror Shield will kill them instantly. Wearing the Garo's Mask, Gibdo Mask, or Captain's Hat makes them dance and they will not attack Link. In Ikana Castle, the ReDeads perform several dances depending on the individual creature; a Garo Ninja offers a possible explanation of this peculiarity by stating that the ReDead of Ikana Castle were once a troupe of performers when they were alive.

There is also a Gossip Stone on the peir by the Octorocks in Ikana Canyon that says, "It seems that the ReDeads in Ikana Castle will dance when the Gibdo Mask, Garo Maks, or the Captains Hat is worn... But that does not change things much."
CreditNintendo, Zelda Wiki

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Koa_Neuva 10/09/2011 8:53:55 pmOct 9th, 2011

Got interviewed and judged a contest on thanks to my texture pack that Hyrule Craft Weekly uses. Here's their schedule for future events too

For those of you too lazy to look for it (myself included), CLICK HERE to get the texture pack, and don't forget to check out Hyrule Craft Weekly, the biggest users of my texture pack made public thus far. :D

Check my blog for more info HERE.

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07/29/2019 12:24 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Waffle
Oaksley's Avatar
Is It Sad That I'm Still Scared of Those Things
10/23/2014 10:11 pm
Level 20 : Expert Robot
Sackbot's Avatar
my...favortie monster in the legend of zelda
also did you know, even though they look like zombies, they were never human to begin with, and they compose of clay modeled to look like humans? i got that from my 3DS on super smash bros. for 3DS.
06/21/2012 8:58 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Nether Knight
DarkFusion's Avatar
link:oh two redeads this will be easy
Redeads:*both jump on him at a time*
Redeads:Ha he never saw that coming
Neko Komamura
02/17/2012 3:39 pm
Level 40 : Master Musician
Neko Komamura's Avatar
Great skin btw C:
02/17/2012 3:52 pm
Level 84 : Elite Baconator
Koa_Neuva's Avatar
Thank you very much! :D
Neko Komamura
04/08/2012 8:45 am
Level 40 : Master Musician
Neko Komamura's Avatar
Please make more Zelda Skins! If i can suggest/Request one, Make Helmaroc King from Wind Waker! Please :D
04/10/2012 1:08 pm
Level 84 : Elite Baconator
Koa_Neuva's Avatar
Probably, but you might have to wind up waiting to see any progress on anything until my life slows down a little. =(
02/01/2012 6:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Titan2001's Avatar
sooo... scary...

02/05/2012 12:39 am
Level 84 : Elite Baconator
Koa_Neuva's Avatar
It's scary if you know how they kill you. I would HATE to be humped to death by one of those. D:
02/25/2012 2:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Titan2001's Avatar
i hate the actual redeads too. what if they were in real life? i would be like, crap...
