Romano ~ Hetalia Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Romano ~ Hetalia

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tsurra's Avatar tsurra
Level 33 : Artisan Procrastinator
Okay, may I just say my top three favorite countries have to be Hungary, Romano and Canada??? Like honestly though I adore my precious babs and it's been eons since I made a skin (THERE'S SO MANY COOL NEW FEATURES; OVERLAYERS??? ALEX FORMAT???? LIKE HOLY SHIT) so I hope this is okay for my first time back. As for the color scheme, I decided to pick colors directly from an actual reference so if the colors are a bit dark; they're directly from the ref. As for the reference, this is what I used: Romano ~ Hetalia Minecraft SkinAnyway!! Enjoy my precious angry tsundere tomato bab!
(I may be updating this later because I'm a wee bit pissed at how the hair turned out)
CreditHidekaz Himaruya

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