Roxas - Kingdom Hearts Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Roxas - Kingdom Hearts

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BlastaGF2's Avatar BlastaGF2
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn


Once again telling you guys that I'm sorry for being away for a while, but that is because I'm working as a cook for 2 months now. Since it is a fulltime job I need to work 7 days a week almost every week.


From this moment on I'm planning on returning and to make more skins. My main goal at this moment is to make a few skins from the Kingdom Hearts series. The first one I made from the Kingdom Hearts series is Roxas.

I hope you guys like my version of Roxas.

For those without a previewer:



Everybody already heard about a lot of people who like skins and download them or even comment how much they like the skin but those skins rarely get diamonded.

So please comment, diamond and favorite if you like the Roxas skin I have made or wish to support me upon making skins because you guys keep me motivated to make skins!


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05/19/2015 11:57 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
NyBMO's Avatar
<br data-mce-bogus="1">Awesome skin ^^ if it's ok i'm gonna use! yu're realy good at it dude
11/10/2013 11:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Goblin-rider's Avatar
Amazing, it looks truly like how would a real roxas in minecraft looks like, i give this thing an over 9000!!!! stars!
10/04/2012 1:55 am
Level 47 : Master Skinner
lydario's Avatar
Awesome work dude. I've made a few KH skins too, check them out! :D

I have yet to make a roxas, but he'll come soon enough. I'm working on the organization for the time being.
