Secret santa skin for the smokemeister (Year end shoutout skins - Bureine) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Secret santa skin for the smokemeister (Year end shoutout skins - Bureine)

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DragonsDungeon's Avatar DragonsDungeon
Level 76 : Legendary Button Pusher
I hate this thing with a passion - choose a better design for skins next time bureine you naughty boy ):<

Welcome to my year end shout-out series, where I try too hard to make good skins for people who've helped me make my life on pmc this year very enjoyable and also helped me maintain the very high activity level on this site this entire year. This year has been a year full of events for me, so I'll be doing a few. If you don't get a skin, it's not because you didn't influence this year, you were just not one of the people that popped up in my mind initially when I planned this out.

I'm not sure if I am doing these skins in a specific order, but by doing this first, I've at least opened up the possibility of doing so.

Protagonist of the day:
Bureine, my right hand man, partner in crime and the smokemeister himself. Bureine embodies everything that it takes to be a driving force behind a heated discussion. He's smart, he's willing to voice his opinion and he is the legendary holder of the IFUNNY.CO (TOXIC) role. Only true legends ever reach this point.

For me this year, bureine has, as always, been a great help on the feedback front. My man has a great understanding of what a good skin should do, and how to get there. Sadly he seems too lazy to properly translate that to his own skins. This year Bureine and I did, perhaps my most creative idea/skin to date, our mega collab, which resonated well with the community. So well in fact that this very idea was soon reused by wildcard_gamer in his skin tag event.

Bureine played a huge role in the Awesome Sonic Series event - where his skin mephisto, became the skin that saved the entire project, by knocking off walk's skin off trending, securing all 25 spots were ours. Bureine has been a big part of what I've been doing on this site for this year, and I hope he finds his motivation, so he can show all of you how good he is himself too!

The skin... ):
Yes, this did not turn out good, sorry lol.

The issue is that this skin embodies everything I think is dumb difficult on a skin:
Camo trousers, colours that blend, weird design choices that easily lead to generic gradient shading. It's a huge mess.

Anywhere he is the reference picture I used:
Secret santa skin for the smokemeister (Year end shoutout skins - Bureine) Minecraft Skin
Knowing Bureine this is probably from PUBG, lol.
CreditBureine, auri for hosting the event

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12/25/2019 8:26 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Wolf Whisperer
Myyoyo's Avatar
At first I thought she has beard.
12/25/2019 8:32 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Button Pusher
DragonsDungeon's Avatar
skinmaking is difficult, I have the same issue with it, and never found a good solution );
12/25/2019 4:45 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Lad
Romto_'s Avatar
very hot m8
