seeking - Angel VS Devil Duo Contest Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

seeking - Angel VS Devil Duo Contest

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sir floofyboi's Avatar sir floofyboi
Level 39 : Artisan Bunny
:D aah hello again! I haven't posted a skin in awhile so... for that
here's my submission to the angel vs devil contest
|This is my angel submission|
(im not really proud of this for the reason that the skin is lighter than the shirt :/ which was supposed to be the other way around
and that the hair color isn't what I expected it to look, ANNND...that the back of the shirt looks messy...WELP)
If you haven't already joined, you can join here!
here are the contest host's :3 please subsribe, there really amazing people!!!
len-kun | Momu
CreditDragonsdungeon for inspiring me! cuz I love them

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08/31/2019 10:19 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Witch
len-kun's Avatar
Outstanding shading! :0 Thanks so much for submitting!
sir floofyboi
08/31/2019 10:32 am
Level 39 : Artisan Bunny
sir floofyboi's Avatar
:33 aah thank you SM!! your welcome!
08/30/2019 10:44 pm
Level 47 : Master Peacock
GoldenGlider's Avatar
frr im like this close to being done with my entry and i am losing all motivation by looking at the other entries XD

gurl how u do this :(
stop being so good its not fair :(
sir floofyboi
08/30/2019 11:28 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Bunny
sir floofyboi's Avatar
xD um...thank you? but other people's entries shouldn't stop you from entering though lol, I think you would do great!

and honestly...idk lol
but your good too... :0
