Shenlong the Tiger - Bloody Roar 2 Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Shenlong the Tiger - Bloody Roar 2

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Level 48 : Master Wolf Whisperer
This is a very very old skin that I decided to shade, like Long the Tiger. Some minecrafters in PMC gave me ALOT of inspiration, like Hamudik, AliceFoxfire and MrDad. I thought of giving up and stop making skins but they helped me and now I enjoy making skins. Thanks guys :D

Tips and feedbacks are appreciated ;)
CreditHamudik , Alice Foxfire , MrDad

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Alice Foxfire
10/30/2011 8:39 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Princess
Oh wow, this has to be my favorite!

The shading is much more detailed and (personally) I find it to be much more appealing than before. I also am totally loving that smug expression on his face xD

Anyway, here's a little tip: you notice the bottom of his head layer, right? The black used as the hair on the 3d preview isn't covering enough of the bottom of the head to look more like the hair is continuous. It looks like when he moves the hair gets seperated. It really isn't that big of a deal but I thought I'd point it out. You might wanna add more black to the bottom of the head. Just a little, so it looks like when he moves the hair is all connected. That's how I usually do my long haired skins.

Just something to think about :O Other than that, this is totally get a +1 and favorite from me!
10/31/2011 3:54 am
Level 48 : Master Wolf Whisperer
Yeah, I tried to make him look evil with that smile :P

And I'll try to fix that hair thingy.
Thanks for everything :)
10/29/2011 2:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
wow this looks BADASS!!! =D
1 up bud
10/29/2011 3:27 am
Level 48 : Master Wolf Whisperer
Thanks XD
I wish more people would know this game.......
