Spartan-IV "Stalker" Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Spartan-IV "Stalker"

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Level 45 : Master Engineer
Stalker Specialization: Spartan optimization for target shadowing missions which require tactical invisibility despite operating at an extremely close range to the target itself.

Nemesis Armor Mod: The Nemesis armor mod allows users to target and track down previous attacking enemies, highlighting them on the armor's passive sensors.

Nemesis armor - which features lines that are both strong and stealthy - gives you an icon on your HUD of the last person that killed you. While some people utilize it to get revenge, others use it to avoid that person (for obvious reasons). It's also useful when playing defense for seeing where an offensive player is going. On maps with limited visibility, Nemesis can provide a short window of intelligence in the movement of enemy players or teams, allowing a respawning team to react and steal a match. In play testing, we've seen players trusting the extra information implicitly and falling for feints or being target fixated with the extra information and being lured into unfavorable situations. As with everything in Halo, this upgrade allows you to tailor your play to your style but remember that the enemy team is aware of the ability and will be countering and often using it or another option to tip the scales back in their favor.

PS: This is my favourite specialization.
Credit343 Industries

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04/18/2013 5:29 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
Am I the only one who thinks this one turned out remarkably well?
dragon rider2121
04/27/2013 5:38 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Mage
nope i agree from a scale of 1-10, 12
05/02/2013 12:01 pm
Level 45 : Master Engineer
Good to see that someone agrees!

Except the back of the head, This thing is EXTREMELY accurate
dragon rider2121
05/09/2013 11:12 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Mage
yea i actually think the back of the head is accurate not as it could be since this is not halo its minecraft so it kinda limits the ability to make it perfect, but yes of course i agree.
06/24/2013 9:32 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
Knew I saw that name before! But back on topic, Made this before anyone saw the back armor, Is what i meant.
11/21/2012 11:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Would It Be Possible To Make A Pathfinder Skin With A Primary Color Of Steel(Dark Grey) And A Secondary Color Of Red? This Would Be Absolutely Amazing. Feel Free To Message Me If You Need More Details. :D
11/22/2012 11:51 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
Few questions to that.

1: Pathfinder CORE or just the normal Pathfinder.

2. Brick red, Or Maroon?

3. Leg/Arm armor? (Which ones.)

Also... I have already made a Pathfinder skin, It just needs to be improved soon, (Starting the Pathfinder specilization tonight'ish, So im improving the skin later.)
11/22/2012 11:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Pathfinder CORE, Maroon, Not quite sure what you mean by Leg/Arm armor so I'm just going to say both... Thanks.
11/23/2012 5:46 pm
Level 45 : Master Engineer
Simple enough, And by Leg/Arm armor, I mean which ones do you want on it? (I happen to prefer the LG-50 Bulk PULSE leg armor... But i dont know about anyone else, If I pick the leg/arm armor, LG-50 legs, Mark VI arms.)

And since i picked the Stalker specilization, Not starting Pathfinder till like Sunday, Probably, (Waiting till i can make it accurately,)
11/06/2012 8:54 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Diamond and sub for this awesomeness..
