Starcraft 2 Dark Templar With Cloak Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Starcraft 2 Dark Templar With Cloak

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Relovan's Avatar Relovan
Level 11 : Journeyman Skinner
Well, it's basically the same Dark templar skin that I had before, except now it has a cloak. I'm not sure whether I'm a fan or not of the cloak at the moment. I may revisit this one later on once I'm more adept at making skins. Anyways, thanks for at least checking it out, and leave any comments or suggestions down below, especially ways on how I can improve my skins in the future to make them better, I make sure to read them!
CreditStratocaster720 for reminding me that Dark Templars have cloaks.

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Skylord Baakto
08/29/2011 9:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Skylord Baakto's Avatar
I mean who doesn't like dark templars?
