Mcu Taskmaster (Hoodie version in description) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Mcu Taskmaster (Hoodie version in description)

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2 D
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Vampire Skinner
Mcu Taskmaster (Hoodie version in description) Minecraft SkinMcu Taskmaster (Hoodie version in description) Minecraft SkinMcu Taskmaster (Hoodie version in description) Minecraft Skin


yea I dislike the design of the costume but it's grown on me and taskmaster is one of my favorites so I just had to at least try to make him, either way, the suit doesn't make the man-tony stark taskmaster still gonna be the same person as always I hope

It's funny cause as soon as everyone saw the bow they were like omg it's Hawkeye šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ that's how you know 90percent of the ”Mcu....i mean ”Marvel Fans” never picked up a comic book in their life

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by 2 D 08/06/2020 2:19:38 pmAug 6th, 2020

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ā€¢ 05/08/2020 2:40 pm
He/Him ā€¢ Level 26 : Expert System Network
hi, can you make a dark archer (malcolm merlyn from arrow) skin?
2 D
ā€¢ 05/10/2020 10:43 am
ā€¢ Level 61 : High Grandmaster Vampire Skinner
I'll try it but I can't promise ill publish it
Sinus Productions
ā€¢ 03/14/2020 5:02 pm
ā€¢ Level 51 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
I like the regular suit better but this one fits in the MCU a lot better. I hope that it shows him fighting in the past, and that’s where he learned how to use a bow/shield or something. Idk. I liked the comic one and I hope his personality is the same
2 D
ā€¢ 03/14/2020 5:10 pm
ā€¢ Level 61 : High Grandmaster Vampire Skinner
Taskmaster has Disneyplus so he gets to watch all the avengers movies on his big tv in the 3rd photo lol but nah seriously I think he has clips of the avengers fighting and that’s how he learned
Sinus Productions
ā€¢ 03/14/2020 5:16 pm
ā€¢ Level 51 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
Black Widow takes place before avengers 1 I believe so he might have seen their individual footage, depending on how far before. I think maybe Cap hadn’t been thawed out yet, so idk
2 D
ā€¢ 03/14/2020 9:11 pm
ā€¢ Level 61 : High Grandmaster Vampire Skinner
people were saying it takes place after civil war ?
ā€¢ 03/15/2020 12:53 pm
ā€¢ Level 64 : High Grandmaster Toast
there are flashbacks to before avengers 1 i think but the main story takes place after civil war and before infinity war
2 D
ā€¢ 03/15/2020 1:34 pm
ā€¢ Level 61 : High Grandmaster Vampire Skinner
yea cause that would explain how he learned their movement and copied their style better but it could literally fit after the civil war and before avengers one the only problem would be explaining how taskmaster copied the avenger's styles this movie should have been made a while ago like right after ironman 2 when they introduced the character
ā€¢ 03/14/2020 4:34 pm
ā€¢ Level 64 : High Grandmaster Toast
I dont really like the mcu taskmaster but It obviously works alot more than the comic costume would lol
ā€¢ 03/14/2020 4:35 pm
ā€¢ Level 64 : High Grandmaster Toast
also great skin
