Teen beach movie pack- Layla :D Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Teen beach movie pack- Layla :D

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Level 32 : Artisan Princess
I know it may seem nerdy but I LOVE ABSOLUTLEY LOVE the costumes from teen beach movie. They are retro and cute and just overall amazing.

As you may already know I am a active instagram user- I have a minecraft based instagram- And some people decided to remake teen beach movie into minecraft.

Well I decided to maybe make some skins and see if they like them, because they are kind of "Instagram famous" and well I'm not.

Well one of them LOVED this skin, and at the time it was the only one I made.

Well she "hired" me to be the skin creator for the production they were making, and I now have 4 skins to upload all teen beach movie related.

I know its nerdy because it is a Disney Channel movie but ehhhh

Thanks for 25 subs <3

Just to clear up what she is wearing:

-A pink motorcycle jacket

-A pink bandeau

-A big chunky black belt

-pink high-waisted shorts

-white socks

-pink cowgirl boots

o3o I do realize the hair blends in with the belt a bit but oh whale

Jillian out!

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11/20/2015 7:41 pm
Level 28 : Expert Skinner
did u say "whale"? LELEEE
01/03/2014 7:37 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Skinner
U r so cool keep up the cool skins.
08/31/2013 5:21 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
i like this skin it is so epic
