The Amazing World of Gumball- Richard Watterson Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

The Amazing World of Gumball- Richard Watterson

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Level 34 : Artisan Taco Theorist
The 5th skin from my "The Amazing Skins of Elmore" is finally here! I hope you like it because we are halfway done with the collection!

Character's short bio:

Richard Watterson is a main character in The Amazing World of Gumball. He serves the role of the father in the Watterson family. Unlike the traditional father, however, Richard is not wise, nor is he a good role model to his children in any way. Despite his misguided advice and uncouth mannerisms, Richard has good intentions, and loves his family all the same. Though, he has said that Darwin is his favorite, but quickly denies it, and says that he's his "favorite fish" to avoid anyone's feelings getting hurt. Despite this, it is revealed in The Password that Anais is his favorite child.

Next skin from my collection is going to be penny Fitzgerald, Gumballs not so secret love!

Don't forget to check these out:

Gumball Watterson:   
Darwin Watterson:  
Anais Watterson:  
Nicole Watterson:
Penny Fitzgerald:   
Gaylord Robinson:   
Miss Lucy Simian:   
Rockwell "Rocky" Robinson:   
Mr. Steve Small:

Thanks for reading!
CreditThe Hangover Banana

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