The fire bird Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Fairy Tale Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

The fire bird

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pipski's Avatar pipski
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast
In russia there was a man named Bendei. He had 3 sons, in his garden there was a tree which grew golden apples. Bendei loved that tree more than any thing. One day he discovered that some one was taking his apples. He became heart broken and ill. He asked his oldest son to watch the tree over night but he fell asleep. another apple had been stolen. The next night his second son watched the tree the same thing happened. Then he asked his youngest son to watch the tree, he almost fell asleep but he washed his face with jew to keep himself awake then he saw something in the tree. He went to it, it was a beautiful bird it was a pheonix. His son told him about it and his father said he would love to have that bird. So his sons set out but the eldest 2 fell asleep when they left the castle but the youngest kept on going. He let his horse rest and went to get some food. When he came back a wolf had ate his horse but in return the wolf helped him he took him to the pheonix and said to him "creep past the sleeping gaurds then go to the golden cage do not! touch the cage, then remove the bird and leave" said the wolf. The youngest son did as he said but he touched the cage! A angry man apeared "Who are you stealing my bird"! "Im the son of Bendei please my father is sick" said the son. "You can have the bird if you get me the pony with the golden main in the mountains" relplied the man. So the son rode the wolf to the mountains "now go grap the pony but do not touch the golden sadle" said the wolf. The son went in and grabed the pony but he touched the sadle the whole castle woke up. They demanded in return for the beautiful princess Yun. So thats what he did but the thing was he had fallen in love with her so the wolf turned into her and went to the mountains the king asked to mary her but then the wolf turned back took the horse and ran. Then he turned into the horse got the pheonix and turned back. Finally the son had every thing then end.

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04/06/2018 11:14 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Toast
pipski's Avatar
This took me so long to upload because i kept on makin mistakes like makin it 4x4 steve and not uploading it to the contest any way its here ;-;
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