The Christmas Death (Nuclear Winter Skin Contest) Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Nuclear Winter Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

The Christmas Death (Nuclear Winter Skin Contest)

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CoDoMoBoRoFoPoSoLoKo's Avatar CoDoMoBoRoFoPoSoLoKo
Level 51 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
T'was the night before christmas when they sent the bombs. An oblvious father / husband was placing presents under the tree. He knew his kids would be very happy with his gifts. "Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with- BZzZzZ," went the TV, some how changing channel. "We interupt this broadcast to inform you- *BOOM*," The news had came on and it sounded as if there was an explosion in the backround... "Aaah! Uh, s-sorry about that folks! *BOOM*," What on earth was going on in that place? "We're just having some technical difficulties! *BOOM* Aaaah!" The man was very confused by all this commotion. The screen started turning all pixelated and slow. "BZzZzZ - war - BZzZzZ - bombs - BZzZzZ - nuclear - BZzZzZ - *BOOM*," said the TV. It returned back to the christmas movie that was on originally. After the three words he had just heard, he was terrified. He ran up into his kids' rooms and starting yelling to get up and get dressed. His wife was in with the kids, putting them to sleep by telling them a bedtime story. The man ran out into the garden with his torch and coat. The family lived in a very old house, passed down to them by the man's father. The man's father had served in "The Great War" as he called out, however they just knew it as World War 2. Because of this there was a bunker, which the man ran to and opened the door. He looked up and saw a few planes fly by, followed by a big dark sphere coming closer to the ground. This he recognised as a nuke. "HURRY!" he shouted. He could see the children through their window, they had only just started getting dresed. The nuke became bigger and bigger, yet the children took so long. The nuke was now blocking the whole sun from view. The man stood outside the bunker, holding the door. He turned around and looked into this metal prison in the ground and slipped. The ground was so icy, when he even just turned he would fall. It was christmas after all. He slammed onto the ground, as the door closed behind him. Then he heard a bang. The biggest bang he had ever heard in his entire life, and just like that it was over. It was all over, in such a hurry too. He spent days in that bunker untill he took the risk and came out. Everything was, well, gone. All he could see for miles was snow, snow and more snow. Well atleast what looked like snow. What would he do now? His friends and family were all dead, it was a tragedy. He scavenged and stole, making his way through the harsh, frosty lands. He became a lone wolf, An assasin or an expert. He was the best around, and everyone knew his name. It was christmas day when they stole everything from him, so he became christmas. He named himself the christmas death and made everyone fear the name as they made him fear christmas.

Let the best skinner win.

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12/24/2015 10:26 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Nerd
realsNeezy's Avatar
Wow! great story and skin idea... good luck in the contest, may the best skinner win, and may the force be with us all
12/25/2015 4:56 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
CoDoMoBoRoFoPoSoLoKo's Avatar
Thnk you! :3 And happy hallowe-- Er, I mean christmas!
12/25/2015 7:11 am
Level 30 : Artisan Nerd
realsNeezy's Avatar
Yeah, happy Halloween :P
12/25/2015 4:24 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
CoDoMoBoRoFoPoSoLoKo's Avatar
That's definitely the right holiday... I think. Or is it easter?
12/25/2015 4:43 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Nerd
realsNeezy's Avatar
Oh yeah, Happy Easter... wait, maybe it was Valentine's?
12/25/2015 4:49 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
CoDoMoBoRoFoPoSoLoKo's Avatar
hehe, it was all a prank! April Fools!
12/24/2015 10:01 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Mlem Mlem Bat
CoDoMoBoRoFoPoSoLoKo's Avatar
Lol, so bad... xD
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