Minecraft Texture Packs / Simplistic Packs

BuxumCraft [16x16] (v1.2.5)

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
  • 8,342 views, 1 today
  • 1,196 downloads, 0 today
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Level 51 : Grandmaster Toast
Going from the Default textures, I used the theme of embossing and semi 3-D effects while using only colours from the original textures. This combination makes for a simplified, de-noised, yet aesthetically pleasing pack.

The basic theme of this pack is de-noising, efficiency, and really the satisfaction of my own obsessive-compulsive tendencies while not looking cartoon-y.

Armour: Like the default, but sans noise. Looks more shiny!
Art: Revamped with a few of my favourite things
Environment: Butts are squares, rain is straight lines, snow is on a grid
Font: More blocky *
GUI: Totally overhauled! I made each one look more like what it does. Also, the HUD is simplified. I'm quite proud of them :)
Items: De-noised and easier to identify; all the dyes are ovals of colour instead of awkwardly-hued rubbish; diamonds are diamond-shaped; iron, diamond, and gold swords are more refined; steak looks like steak; etc
Misc: General sprucing up including (but not limited to) removal of the vignette and the water overlay
Mobs: Pigs have flat faces again, spiders' eyes are only red in the dark, all the mobs are themed to fit the pack
Particles: More blocky, keeping the Minecraft spirit, and just cleaned up
Terrain: Overhauled and customized... obviously. It is a custom texture pack, after all.
ALSO I made wheat very obvious. It only turns yellow when it's ready to harvest! (You're welcome.)
[​Note: Pack only roughly supports MCPatcher see spoiler (below) for more details]

* KNOWN BUGS/ERRORS (currently under revision)

Spawn eggs (creative mode) are weird colours (I would LOVE an explanation of this if anyone has some clue as to why it's happening)
Custom mclogo.png doesn't show up on the homescreen
This pack only roughly supports MCPatcher. If you have MCPatcher applied to your client, the surface of water will be opaque due to my Band-Aid style fix. Hopefully this will be cleaned up in future updates.
Custom Mojang logo, title screen panorama, and bg don't always show up
I don't understand the Boat and Cart textures. Help?

Additional Notes

Please let me know if there are any mistakes or glitches in the pack so I can fix them!
(Also, if you do like the pack, please do give it a diamond or a favourite! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside)
CreditThe screenshots are of the PMC Resort contest island and the Survival Island maps; Video by matt_316
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.2.5

21 Update Logs

Update #21 : by Tenuto_ 09/05/2012 9:09:20 pmSep 5th, 2012

Minor item edits, including - but not limited to - making diamonds prettier.

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08/18/2012 8:27 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
When will it be readyf for 1.3?
08/18/2012 9:15 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Toast
Unfortunately, not soon. My computer is relatively old and can't support anything past 1.7.3 Beta, so until I get a new computer the pack is stuck here.
08/14/2012 9:48 am
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
Reminds me of the supernes mario 2 awesome. really good job

DIAMOND 4 U!!!!!!
08/14/2012 7:34 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Toast
Thanks a lot! Positive feedback makes my insides warm and fuzzy! But in a silly and non-sexual way
08/14/2012 7:35 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
HA lol :)
07/17/2012 2:27 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Mage
This is absolutely my fav texture pack!!!
07/17/2012 7:35 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Toast
Wow, thanks! That means a lot!
07/17/2012 12:41 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Mage
well its an awesome texta pck
07/04/2012 6:46 am
Level 36 : Artisan Scribe
Grass Is Pretty :) 1+Diamond.
07/04/2012 10:16 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Toast
Thank you, very much appreciated!
(Also, I really like your futuristic knight skins)
