Minecraft Texture Packs / Experimental Packs

Cam's Player Stands [Complete Pack - Version 1.5]

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Level 43 : Master Miner


Created By Camden_AKA_Ice
Created Using Blockbench


  Ever want to populate your Minecraft world with people? Now you can! Cam's Player Stands is a 1.20 resource pack that remodels armor stands into player shaped entities. The Complete Pack comes with 600 skins from both the Vanilla Pack & Creators Pack. The pack is also easily customizeable, allowing you to add your own skin files so that you can decorate your world with people of your choice!


In order to get a skin of your choice, name tag an armor stand with the name that correlates to your desired skin. All name codes can be found in the video HERE! All armor stands will naturally spawn without arms, but the use of in-game commands or Vanilla Tweaks' Armor Statues Data Pack can allow you to add arms and reposition these stands however you please! You can also find a comprehensive tutorial on how to use the pack HERE!

Disclaimer: The skins used in this data pack were not created, and do not belong to Iceshard2003. All credit goes out to the extremely talented skin designers on Planet Minecraft, NovaSkin, NameMC, and The Skindex.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.4

6 Update Logs

Version 1.5 : by Camden_AKA_Ice 10/01/2024 1:21:09 pmOct 1st, 2024

  • Updated for 1.21

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01/27/2024 3:49 am
Level 21 : Expert Miner
the textures don't work idk if it's just me, I am using Optifine 1.20.2. but I deleted the first texture line in the model file and it worked

but for some reason, my skin isn't working right. the arms are swapped, the right arm has the texture of the left arm and the left arm has the texture of the right arm. you won't notice for skins that have a mirrored arms texture but in my case, it's very obvious . also you can notice this on Alex's shoulder

also the armor stand skin is about 3 pixels taller than the player, is this intended?
01/27/2024 3:10 pm
Level 43 : Master Miner
Thank you for letting me know about this stuff! I didn't catch the arm textures being flipped or the stand being 3 pixels taller than the player. I'll try to fix these as soon as I can. Unfortunately IDK what's wrong with your first issue though. Everything works fine for me, but maybe that's because I'm using fabric instead of optifine. I'll look into that as well.
02/07/2024 4:13 am
Level 21 : Expert Miner
thanks for fixing the pack

about the 3 pixel difference in height, I believe it's the reason the second layer of the skin is coming out of the helmet, and the second layer of the left foot when you put armor on it for some reason
01/23/2024 12:57 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Button Pusher Button Pusher
Can you do this with me?
02/07/2024 1:15 pm
Level 21 : Expert Miner
did you receive it ?
02/07/2024 12:54 pm
Level 21 : Expert Miner
i sent you a friend request. also this pack needs optifine , do you have it ?
02/07/2024 4:13 am
This reply was removed by the poster or a moderator.
02/07/2024 9:42 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Button Pusher Button Pusher
i really tried to do that, and it did not work
02/07/2024 9:56 am
Level 21 : Expert Miner
find the last skin in the folder copy it and rename the copy with the next available number i believe the last skin is named 600 so name yours 601 then edit it and put your skin in it instead of the skin that was in the image you copied and make sure to put it in the right place .

then you have to edit the file in that folder. add your skin number and the name of the skin like every other skin in the file .

when you rename the armor stand make sure it's the same exact name
02/07/2024 9:59 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Button Pusher Button Pusher
ill try that, but last time i checked, there's only a file in there named "armor_stand" or somethin
02/07/2024 10:02 am
Level 21 : Expert Miner
you opened the cem folder not the random folder . go from optifine > random
