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Download the old version for Minecraft 1.12 (format 3) HERE
I can finally see through windows!
This resource pack includes simplified glass textures that improve the general gaming experience related to glass windows.
The glass will look like a smoother version of the old glass designs prior to the 1.14 update.
The marked borders of glass cube and panels always gave me more an impression of a cage rather than looking like a whole glass window.
It's also quite hard to really enjoy the view from one side to the other!
I've retextured all the glass blocks making them more discrete but also keeping them faithful to the original ones.
It's just a small detail, but makes an enormous difference in the case off huge modern buildings and skyscrapers!
The effect obtained is a cheaper version of Optifine's connected textures,
but since not all players use it I created this pack to make easy for everyone to enjoy my creations the same way I see them.
The visual difference is quite considerable ;-D
Just put the pack in the .minecraft/resourcepack folder
Open Minecraft
Activate it in Options > Resource Packs
Enter a mc world full of glass windows and enjoy the view!
Leave a diamond if you find this pack useful :-P
Representative screenshots taken on Aquamarine Resort project.
Also... fog!
This pack also allows to create effective fog effects, without the need of installing mods!
Here are some examples!
If you like the effect you may also try the Uniform Glass!
Download the old version for Minecraft 1.12 (format 3) HERE
I can finally see through windows!
This resource pack includes simplified glass textures that improve the general gaming experience related to glass windows.
The glass will look like a smoother version of the old glass designs prior to the 1.14 update.
The marked borders of glass cube and panels always gave me more an impression of a cage rather than looking like a whole glass window.
It's also quite hard to really enjoy the view from one side to the other!
I've retextured all the glass blocks making them more discrete but also keeping them faithful to the original ones.
It's just a small detail, but makes an enormous difference in the case off huge modern buildings and skyscrapers!
The effect obtained is a cheaper version of Optifine's connected textures,
but since not all players use it I created this pack to make easy for everyone to enjoy my creations the same way I see them.
The visual difference is quite considerable ;-D
Just put the pack in the .minecraft/resourcepack folder
Open Minecraft
Activate it in Options > Resource Packs
Enter a mc world full of glass windows and enjoy the view!
Leave a diamond if you find this pack useful :-P
Representative screenshots taken on Aquamarine Resort project.
Also... fog!
This pack also allows to create effective fog effects, without the need of installing mods!
Here are some examples!
If you like the effect you may also try the Uniform Glass!
Progress | 100% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.17.1 |
Resolution | 16x |
Tags |
5 Update Logs
Update #5 : by Gheppio 08/28/2021 7:47:36 amAug 28th, 2021
Updated the pack for version 1.17 and higher!
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Look at the first row of description for direct link
it works both on 1.14 and 1.15
Here's the link