- check_circle Armor
- check_circle Art
- check_circle Environment
- check_circle Font
- check_circle GUI
- check_circle Items
- check_circle Misc
- check_circle Models
- 12,889 views, 1 today
- 2,231 downloads, 0 today
Please reinstall the texture pack every month for updates or bug fixes
This pack has different netherite texture, shining ores, fullbright (requares optifine), gray stone and one color armor. Also efect icons changed
Credit | Appriciate Evaldaz for insparation |
Progress | 95% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.21 |
Resolution | 16x |
Tags |
19 Update Logs
Version 3.1.1 : by Zmogutis4016 12/25/2024 6:22:17 amDec 25th, 2024
Major bug fix. Renaming netherite bug fix. Changed naming scheme
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(here is another of my texture pack -
www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/simplicity-for-bedwars )
In newer versions things stop to work properly, so check the version you using.
Don't be shy, tell if you spot any error's, mistakes or unfinished work (in this situation, not did GUI or buggy one) just tell me in comments and I will fix it ASAP.