Minecraft Texture Packs / Realistic Packs

1.7.9 Faerielight 128x128 - Update 6-25-14

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
  • 56,083 views, 1 today
  • 16,516 downloads, 0 today
Develsaa's Avatar Develsaa
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Hello!, This is Faerielight - A very High defintion photo realistic texture pack. It took me a little over a year to make and I'm still constantly working on it. It's my goal to update at least once a week.

It has verions from 256x256, 128x128. The 256 is the absolutely highest quality, however for those with slower computers the 128 works just as fine!

Posted Image

I have redone everything from mobs to textures, items, weather, gui, font.. etc. I do have a license for Filter Forge and that is where a significant amount of my textures were created, other than that they are free-use, have gotten permission, or I created them myself. A Credit.txt is located within each zip.

This is the 128x128 version, the 256 version is located :

Texture pack information :
Updated for 1.7.9

The most current Zip is called :
Faerielight(your resolution)v179v1.zip

Additional Notes

Requirements -
Please note that to really unleash my texture pack I suggest you use McPatcher, but optifine works as well, you just will not have the random biome specific mobs that appear when you use McPatcher, nor will you have clouds, or stars.

Please contact me if you have any problems, or if the game is not working. I usually do extensive testing to make sure things are working properly before I release my pack, but I do make mistakes from time to time =)

Please view the official thread at the Minecraftforum. It has more download links and more details. Thank you!

I have a gallery of screenshots using my texture pack located at Imgur - There are currently 27 images in there, if you have any screenshots you'd like to share that'd be awesome!

I also have a gallery of screenshots using the mods I am using, Biomes O'Plenty and Sonic Ether's Shaders located here - Imgur. I constantly add to this so enjoy!

Additionally I have mod support for Biomes O Plenty
Mod - Biomes O Plenty
Textures - Mod Support Biomes O Plenty

To Install Biomes O Plenty Mod Support :

To Install :

Unzip this zip to a folder on your computer. Then download the Universal .jar for the Biomes O Plenty Mod.

Follow all instructions to install that mod. Then go to your mods folder. Open the Biomes O Plenty .jar file using a zip program, 7zip is free and works just fine.

You should see a bunch of folders and .info, .mcmeta, and .properties files


from there, drag the folder with my textures to the .jar

Replace, Yes to all, if your zip program requires it.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.8

22 Update Logs

Update #22 : by Develsaa 06/26/2014 1:27:05 amJun 26th, 2014

June 25th, 2014

- Major Update.
- Updated through till 1.7.9
- Redid a lot of things.
- Added CTM for glass panes and glass blocks.
- Randomized CTM for Bookcases.
- Animated and redid Crafting Tables.
- Animated Redstone Repeater.
- Redid Birch Leaves.
- Added and changed Foliage Maps/Color Maps.
- Added roughly 40 new flowers to Dandelion.
- Added a Birch randomization CTM.
- Updated Glass Panes, Iron Bars.
- Fixed Hopper error.
- Changed Tulips to fit more with the pack.
- Changed some other flowers to more represent what they are supposed to be.
- Updated Particles, including enchanting runes.
- Changed Chiselled Stone Bricks to look more like Stone Bricks.
- Changed roses to Poppies.

Download Count - 315,951 - Thank you all so much!!

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02/11/2014 6:16 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Creeper
tesla_block's Avatar
\(^ω^\) Epic ( /^ω^)/
Pine and 3G
01/16/2014 12:39 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Pine and 3G's Avatar
Hey there!

I made a review of your texture pack, if you would like to check it out here is the link.

Pine & 3G
The Mining Miner
01/12/2014 11:06 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
The Mining Miner's Avatar
This texture pack looks great, I love the paintings
07/28/2013 6:26 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
JohnonKe6's Avatar
I love it. BUT: the ores are a little too clumped in the middle, I wish they were spread out in the stone to make it look a little more realistic in my opinion, much like it is in the default pack. "If you could do that for me, I will be thankful." (a quote from Baldur Goldpaws in Wizard101)
07/20/2013 7:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
kcpace's Avatar
why doesn't the compass work I love this pack but I need compass please make it work
07/15/2013 6:41 pm
Level 49 : Master Engineer
Beaupedia's Avatar
Love the texture pack, absolutely gorgeous! I am having one weird issue though with the font. A period is showing up before everyone's name. It's maddening! Help!

07/15/2013 7:14 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Develsaa's Avatar
Chances are I'll have to rework the font. It's one set image, I am sorry until it's updated and I figure out how to fix it, you may be stuck with it. If you want to delete it, go into the zip and just navigate to where the font is stored and delete the image =) (assets > minecraft > textures > font > ascii.png )
07/12/2013 8:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
clairebear76799's Avatar
06/29/2013 2:15 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Foxlynx's Avatar
I love how this texture pack looks! The only 2 things that are bugging me are 1.) The clock is missing. It might be only in the 128x version, I haven't had a chance to see if it there as well, The 'texture missing' shows instead of where the clock should be. Now that said, the only thing #2 is I'm stuck as to which texture pack to use more- yours, or Scuttles!! Diamonds to you!! ^_^
06/30/2013 4:07 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Develsaa's Avatar
Thank you!, I tested the clock for 256, I'll go about testing it for 128 and see what's going on!
