- check_circle Armor
- check_circle Environment
- check_circle GUI
- check_circle Items
- check_circle Particles
- check_circle Models
Published Jul 18th, 2020, 7/18/20 4:43 pm
- 24,597 views, 18 today
- 5,866 downloads, 7 today
Hello everyone,
This is my second texture pack with 3d models. Optifine needed!!!
I am making a resource pack, where there will be many models of weapons and mechanics for them,
I want to make sets for weapons and much more, it will be something like a military resource pack.
In version 0.1 I made only a glock17 pistol, added sounds and a couple of other little things.
I did it to turn a bow into a weapon through an anvil.
I made the weapon not flicker when applying the power effect.
I added sounds when fired, added a sound when a bullet (arrow) hits a block.
I want to add:
sets for weapons,
new mechanics,
armor (if possible 3d).
suggest your ideas!
If you use my models - please indicate the author.
I used a translator.
Good day!
This is my second texture pack with 3d models. Optifine needed!!!
I am making a resource pack, where there will be many models of weapons and mechanics for them,
I want to make sets for weapons and much more, it will be something like a military resource pack.
In version 0.1 I made only a glock17 pistol, added sounds and a couple of other little things.
I did it to turn a bow into a weapon through an anvil.
I made the weapon not flicker when applying the power effect.
I added sounds when fired, added a sound when a bullet (arrow) hits a block.
I want to add:
sets for weapons,
new mechanics,
armor (if possible 3d).
suggest your ideas!
If you use my models - please indicate the author.
I used a translator.
Good day!
Progress | 5% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.12.2 |
Resolution | 16x |
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