Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

[NO LONGER UPDATED, SEE THE HD VERSION] The Legend of Zelda Majora's Craft (Minecraft v1.7.7) [Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask Resource Pack]

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Level 84 : Elite Baconator
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Craft by Koa_Neuva is licensed available for viewing HERE

This resource pack will no longer be updated (we're working solely on the HD version of this one now), but this will remain available to view, download, etc. for archive purposes. Plus some of you had some good ideas we'll be implementing in the HD version.

Please consider looking at the HD version instead here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/legend-of-zelda-majoras-craft/

Thank you to all of you for your support over the years, and we can't wait to share a higher definition version of everything with you!
CreditFilaStyle84, Fun Gh[x_x]ul, eLGassi, elementalwolf92, nightphoenix16, Aandolaf, JenniferM, Arkman, Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, jamexin, babybacon,
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.4

16 Update Logs

End of 16x version : by Koa_Neuva 12/17/2023 5:16:09 pmDec 17th, 2023

We will no longer be supporting this resource pack as the overall power of PCs have grown mixed with time constraints. We'll continue to update the 64x HD version of this resource pack though, which you can find here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/legend-of-zelda-majoras-craft/

We'll also be leaving this resource pack up as a testament to our success, plus there are a lot of comments with great ideas from you all!

Again, this is not the end of Majora's Craft, this is just a step to improving the HD version for the best experience!

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01/17/2024 1:05 am
Level 40 : Master Dragonborn
12/17/2023 6:47 am
Level 84 : Elite Baconator
To all of you waiting on this resource pack to update, I apologize. At the time of this post I will be going live shortly to work on my resource pack after a very long hiatus via Twitch, you can either search for my same username (Koa_Neuva), or find more information at my website at https://koa-neuva.crd.co. As of right now no updates have been made to this resource pack, but chatting with fans might help with my motivation.
03/01/2021 6:07 am
Level 84 : Elite Baconator
To all of you waiting on this resource pack to update, I apologize. When this pack first started out, it took off a lot more than I had expected, and gained a lot of popularity for those seeking to relive The Legend of Zelda like never before. I am here to let you know I am not dead, neither is this resource pack. A lot has been happening in my life in the approximate six years since I stopped making more time for this. I have a feeling I am going to be able to dedicate a lot of time to the resource pack before long (hopefully). I have teased you with my reinvigoration before, and I can't make any promises until things calm down a little on my end.

Since I have been out of the game for so long and so many new things have come to Minecraft over the years, I will likely wind up archiving previous textures, and work from the ground up to make sure that each individual texture gets worked on, improved, and maybe re-purposed as something more fitting. I am also only one person, and I hope to add more people to the team eventually, so regular updates can be more common, and we can see this grow into something even greater than ever thought possible.

Thank you all for sticking with me over the years, and I hope to have something new and exciting to offer to you all soon. If you want to say hi, hang out, etc, don't hesitate to catch me on my other websites here: https://koa-neuva.carrd.co/
02/14/2021 3:42 pm
Level 1 : New System
Perfect texture pack! I remember downloading this one practically a decade ago! Using it for Adventure Maps feels much like I am making a Nintendo 64 video game! Considering it's my favorite console, this texture pack feels exponentially satisfying to utilize! However, this texture pack really needs some kind of update just because the default blocks of Minecraft are not enjoyable to look at alongside these incredible textures of the older blocks! I might just return to 1.7.4 so that I can fully enjoy it, but it's not practical. Two years ago, it looked like the original creator was planning on updating it, would anyone crossing through this texture pack have any knowledge about that? The ideas from Divine Rose and Kira are perfect so far!
08/08/2019 1:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
These were my favorite texture packs back in the day when I started really getting into Minecraft, would love to see an update some time.
06/24/2019 11:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I love the texture pack. Thanks for sharing this
10/10/2018 5:23 pm
Level 84 : Elite Baconator
Okay, I've already got some great ideas from the community here!
So I'll go over the list of suggestions, and the suggestions that gave me more ideas. I feed off this kind of feedback, even if it doesn't work out, it gets my gears turning having fed me some brain food. But I digress, here is the list so far:

User: Divine Rose
Shulkers: Beamos (I like the idea, so I'm going to run with this for now, if a better idea comes up though, I'll probably throw that in the "unused" folder)
Phantoms: Stingers from Jabu-Jabu's belly (LOVE IT! I'll probably "creepify" them a little to give them an undead appearance)
Parrots: Ooccoos & Loftwing (Yup, probably going to use both, mostly Loftwing, an Ooccoo for the yellow one, and probably my favorite Breath of the Wild (BotW) character Kass for the blue one)
Turtles: Great Bay Turtle (Was already thinking that myself!)
Dolphins: Jabu-Jabu (Yup, I really can't think of a better match other than maybe trying to go the way I did with the Witch and just use the box area for my advantage to make them look like Zora, which I'm probably going to go for the latter as there's only one Jabu-Jabu/Jabun, but if it doesn't work out, it's definitely a solid backup idea!)
Random Items: Substitute with BotW items (Was thinking about that myself, and, yeah, it's cemented now. I think I'll keep the "Rock Sirloin" as what you get for killing cows, as the name makes more sense, and substitute other items for BotW items so they appear a little more unique; enchanted arrows, food, etc)

User: Kira
The Drowned: Zora, the hostile ones from games like "A Link Between Worlds" (I like the idea as they are general hostile mobs from the franchise, but to keep with the running idea that they are still "undead," you actually got me thinking about using the Redead from Windwaker. It doesn't really mesh a lot with the underwater bit, but they fall into the undead category, and due to their blue-ish skin, I think they would be a perfect fit, and also look terrifying!)
Trident: Lightscale Trident (Yup, that's the only thing that makes sense in my book)
Fish: Twilight Princess Fish (Already had that in mind since the items are there already!)
Husk: Redead (Already planned on that!)

Alright guys, looks like I have my work cut out for me. Now to find the time and energy to work on all this. Also, just to let you know, while I am making a list of all this for future reference, the first thing (when using my resource pack) that annoys me the most, is not having proper menus, crafting/equipment screens, etc. So you'll probably see that update come out prior to anything else on the list. I have my work cut out for me!
02/14/2021 3:44 pm
Level 1 : New System
Would you still consider having someone help with the texture pack? This project definitely needs to keep going, and I've figured out how to make my own texture pack! I would love to provide any ideas I might have! I was thinking about my own project for a ZELDA + NINTENDO 64 adventure map that utilizes this texture-pack! After all these years, I still use it primarily for Minecraft instead of the default or other texture packs because this one trump's them all! There are a few problems with it due to age like paintings not displaying unique designs from the texture pack. I think this texture pack is worth just as much as it did back then, but with an update, it would certainly make utilizing Minecraft more convenient and useful! The mesh between these blocks and the new Minecraft blocks is terrible! I stick to only using the texture pack blocks, but an update would be perfect!
08/29/2018 1:27 am
Level 84 : Elite Baconator
Okay guys, so if you want to see an update in the future, I'm going to need a little help.

My actual job requires me to stare at a computer screen all day and deal with a lot of calls, and usually the last thing I want to do is come home and stare at another screen despite my passion for this kind of thing. Since all my previous helpers have since dropped off the radar, it's pretty much whoever I can get help from at this point. Now, I still have plenty of resources to pull off an update, the problem is, my brain is so overloaded after work (including my weekends) that I really don't have the capacity to think of new ideas without feeling completely overwhelmed... So I'm counting on you guys to give me the boost I need to get the old ball rolling again. I created a Google form where you can submit your ideas: https://goo.gl/forms/i5OOsU4SG8fiEowv1

Now don't get the wrong idea, I'm not relying on you guys to give me ideas for everything I haven't worked on, but I'm going to need some inspiration, and at least a handful of ideas to get me motivated. Just remember that before submitting any ideas, this resource pack hasn't been updated since 1.7.2, and I have a lot of ground to cover.

Not all ideas will be implemented, and I may get many of the same requests, and usually first come first serve, so the first person to come to me with the idea gets the credit!
08/07/2018 12:54 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Sus
Is this texture pack dead? It hasn't been updated in years...
