Minecraft Texture Packs / Realistic Packs

iREDSTONE [Modern HD version] [1.17 snapshots] [1.16.x] [1.15.x] [1.14] [1.13.x] [1.12.x] [1.11.x] | Power Level and other Indicators resource pack | [WiP]

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Meridiana's Avatar Meridiana
Level 70 : Legendary Artist
iREDSTONE [Modern HD version] [1.17 snapshots] [1.16.x] [1.15.x] [1.14] [1.13.x] [1.12.x] [1.11.x] | Power Level and other Indicators resource pack | [WiP] Minecraft Texture Pack
iREDSTONE [Modern HD version] [1.17 snapshots] [1.16.x] [1.15.x] [1.14] [1.13.x] [1.12.x] [1.11.x] | Power Level and other Indicators resource pack | [WiP] Minecraft Texture Pack

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I offer free concepts since many years and would like everyone to respect that and me as a creator as well.

Thank you. Detailed Terms of Use / Credits in downloaded file.

The upper download option with the main pack currently contains:

- Redstone Wire with Power Level Indicator in 3D "LED cable" optics
- Background Images Client
- Title "Minecraft" in Red + "Redstone Edition"
- Splash Texts
("Typical Meri" ones ;))

More content will follow until it's nearly a full pack!
Alternatively, you will be able download most module parts separately.
NOTE: I'll be focussing on developing the iRedstone pack in Default/Faithful version first, so check out that other version as it'll currently contain more than the "Modern" version here! "iRedstone Default/Faithful" also already contains an OPTIFINE ADDON with special display options that could interest you as technical player!

iREDSTONE [Modern HD version] [1.17 snapshots] [1.16.x] [1.15.x] [1.14] [1.13.x] [1.12.x] [1.11.x] | Power Level and other Indicators resource pack | [WiP] Minecraft Texture Pack

WiP text, unformatted:
iRedstone (Default-Faithful 16/64px or Modernized 64px+)

Consists of these modules which will also be available separately!

# Transparent GUI in Red (iREDSTONE Default) [​16px] or White-Metal (iREDSTONE Modern) [​64px]

# Modified items/blocks indicated with RED NAME (only in the FULL module)

# Technical Components (Pistons, Repeater, Comparator, Dispenser, Dropper, Cauldron, SlimeBlock etc.)
- Redstone Dust 3D with PowerLevel Display
- Tripwire
- Clock
- Compass
- CommandBlocks
- Structure Blocks
- Tech Components BLOCKS (Pistons, Dropper, Dispenser, Cauldron, SlimeBlock...)

# Supporting blocks (Slabs, Stairs, Chests incl. EnderChest and ShulkerBox etc.)

# Other than (direct, but still used for technical gameplay or) Redstone things but not supporting blocks (e.g. Jukebox, Noteblock, Obsidian, Glowstone, Boats, Enchant Table, Bookshelves..)

# Moon % phase (Slime spawn)


Hy there guys and gals, Meri the LapisDemon here with INFINITUDE, Meri's Mix & Match Modules, today with iRedstone, a resourcepack addon, a module not only for professional Redstoners, Slimestoners, but also helpful for regular Survival players as well as Creativemode users.

This resourcepack module is a helpful TOOL for you.

You might already know my Redstone Dust in modern LED cable look with Power Level Display; and the whole module will be basically like that: If something important for the technical community can display a certain state, then this pack will tell you about it.

And if you look at an also more complex Redstone build, then you will always know what is up with it, for example you can see that this is a sticky piston also from the side, you can see that the hopper faces into this direction, you can see that the cauldron here got an output of 3, there is 3 water in it, the tripwire is attached and powered, etc.

All the components this module contains can ALSO be downloaded SEPARATELY, you are not forced to download the total module, if you only want a part of it.
Let's have a look firstly at the two different versions iRedstone will be available with:

1. First version is In Default-Faithful, (with a bit more clean revision of default textures, but) I made sure that it's not too far off 16 pixel Default, it will practically look like 16 pixel Default, except some of the markings will be of higher resolution, for better and clean display reasons, like for example the numbers on the redstone dust are 64pixel resolution, or the sort of arrow markings on the hopper, dispenser etc.) so you know where it is facing to are in 32/64 pixel resolution, but other than that, you will have your default textures, I know there are still quite a bunch of people out there who like 16 pixel Default textures.

The Default-Faithful iRedstone module will come with a red 16 pixel transparent GUI and a flat Redstone Dust with Power Level
Furthermore, if you chose English (US) as your language, (there will be additional explanations in each of the components, for
example) all blocks or items that have been modified by me will have a RED display name.

2. The second version of iRedstone is the modernized variant.
A clean, fresh, modern- and technical-looking revision of the default textures, (mainly?) in 64 pixels. If I would want to describe it, it's something like the cleaner, modernized, slightly futuristic or contemporary version of the Default textures. for myself I call it "The Apple, TRON or Ross Lovegrove version", but I can't call it like that officially due to copyright reasons of course, but if you know the Apple brand or know the TRON movie, or know the designer Lovegrove, what they got in common is vivid colours, also a lot of white, clean, round design, smooth, organic, looking slightly futuristic (or like modernized 60s/70s Space Age), you get me. - I hope ;) - and if not, don't worry about it, you will see it in time yourself.

The colour palette in this iRedstone module is reduced, mainly orange, red, green, colours that are quite common for everything related to technical Minecraft, and generally a lot of White and silver-metal for a very clean, modern, slightly futuristic look.

That module will come with a white 64 pixel transparent GUI and a 3D Redstone Dust with Power Level Display.

Clean CommandBlocks in a different look in 64 pixel.
Same goes for the StructureBlocks.

Additionally to the Default-Faithful iRedstone version, the modern iRedstone version will also have a supporting blocks module that will contain things like slabs, wool, carpets, everything in that vivid colour scheme and overall smooth design.

These modules are still work in progress, you can see the current content of each iRedstone module in my Planet Minecraft post here as well as in the post on the hosting site, and if you subscribe to my Planet Minecraft post then you will get notified about updates, as well as on my Twitter where I'll occasionally tweet work in progress pictures.

As soon as the modules are not in Beta anymore but complete release versions, I will record an iRedstone showcase video.
Progress10% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16.1

3 Update Logs

+++ IMPORTANT CHANGE SINCE 1.13 pre-5 - DOWNLOAD NEW FILE! +++ : by Meridiana 08/14/2018 2:34:59 pmAug 14th, 2018

Due to changes since 1.13 pre-5 (e.g. path name changed), also the second 1.13 snapshot version I uploaded doesn't work anymore, only up to including 1.13 pre-4! If you want to use this pack in 1.13 pre-5+, you MUST download the now updated module, or else the models won't be displayed properly!

I uploaded the updated, working file for 1.13, please make sure to download it!

Please note that my other iRed pack, iRed Default/Faithful, currently contains more content than this pack, iRed Modern! I will be focussing on iRed Default/Faithful first to finish it, so you may want to check out the other pack, until I will work on iRed Modern here again!

Below an overview what iRed Default/Faithful v0.02 currently contains, click that image to get to my other iRed pack:


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02/08/2019 3:59 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Engineer
Gheppio's Avatar
Wow, really useful!
This will come very handy in bugfixing my current redstone builds...
Redstone can hav strange behaviours and this is exactly what I need! :-D
02/08/2019 6:57 am
Level 70 : Legendary Artist
Meridiana's Avatar
Hello Gheppio, thank you, happy if it's of help for you :)
But one suggestion: This pack here - the modern version - only currently got the wire with Powerlevel display, but the (pre-1.14 textures) DEFAULT version got a few things more, e.g. pistons which display if they are regular or sticky, and if they are extended or not! Also repeater where you can see its delay/tick! And a few things more. I plan to finish the "Default" version first, this "Modern" version here will take way longer, because it will look quite different from Default, and it'll take time until I concepted it in the way I want it to look! E.g. it'll surely also contain custom models and such, and everything needs to "harmonize" with each other - well, TLDR, I suggest you download my other iRed pack for the time being ;))

But no worries, in the "Default" version is ALSO a wire with Powerlevel display, the only difference to this wire here is that it is ultraflat, that's all :) You can find it here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/iredstone-default

Enjoy, and thank you very much again for your kind comment, favourite and diamond!
That keeps me always going :)

Have a good weekend,
02/08/2019 5:41 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Engineer
Gheppio's Avatar
Thanks for the advice, I'll do as you say!
I'm encountering some unexplainable redstone behaviours that break my self-replicating machines, and the only way to understand what's happening is to be aware of the exact state of every part of the circuits, every instant!
Your pack is exactly what I needed so... I am the one thanking you ;-D
Have a nice weekend too,
11/15/2018 9:34 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
AgentChickenMC's Avatar
Perfect for what I need! Thanks much!
11/16/2018 9:00 am
Level 70 : Legendary Artist
Meridiana's Avatar
You're welcome, you're doing some Redstone'ing, I assume? :)

11/29/2018 7:24 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
AgentChickenMC's Avatar
Yeah, and the default textures are ugly. The power displays are also extremely useful, and I haven't found any other packs that work for 1.13 featuring this.

Also, I do note and appreciate you're involved with your community. Noice. One request though: Think you could add in hopper directional indicators as well as dropper/dispenser indicators?
11/30/2018 7:38 am
Level 70 : Legendary Artist
Meridiana's Avatar
As long as my time allows, I always try to reply to all comments, be it here, on Twitter or on Youtube, Instagram, and whatnot :) But thanks for noticing!

As for this pack: This is the modern version with a "LED cable look" wire, but I got a sister pack, iRed Default/Faithful, which you can find here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/iredstone-default

It contains more content than this pack here. And while I do use the default textures for this sister's pack, I add of course "indicators" on top of them, trying to remain in a "default feel", which will be a bit problematic though, considering the textures were changed now in 1.14 snapshots...

The "Default" version of iRed also contains a wire look similar to this, just super ultra flat!
I deviated here from the Default look, because I also find it rather ugly, and you can see the power level display better on a clean texture model of the wire.

The future modern version of iRed here will look completely different from the default version though, more clean and only few colours! But at first I want to finish the "Default"/Faithful version, as coming up with a theme that will suit my taste for what I imagine iRed Modern shall look like, will be very time-consuming!

And, yes, of course I will add anything that can be indicated to this pack eventually!
As long as MC enables me to, I will do that for anything, any block or item the tech community uses :)

Look into the description of the "Default/Faithful" iRed sister pack, there are some spoilers that you can open, one tells you exactly what is planned/which blocks! The same will apply then of course also here to iRed Modern pack one day!

I will have to update the text though sometime, as there have been some new things added since 1.13, which may be interesting to add eventually :)

Enjoy and have a nice weekend!
11/30/2018 5:56 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
AgentChickenMC's Avatar
Thanks, you too
07/29/2018 10:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
LordMZTE's Avatar
suggestion: add an arrow to the side of observers so you can see the side they are facing
08/07/2018 10:24 am
Level 70 : Legendary Artist
Meridiana's Avatar
Hello, I do indeed plan to add such indicators like e.g. arrows on the side of directional blocks!
If you haven't already, check out my iRed Default pack here: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/iredstone-default

It is updated to 1.13, whereas this pack here currently is only working up to 1.13 prerelease 4!

Also, there are additions in the iRed Default pack such as e.g. different piston models, depending on their blockstate (extended or not, slime or not), repeater, comparator etc. :)

I will be updating the iRed Modern pack here as soon as possible, but only the wire, because I want to finish the iRed Default pack first.

Thank you for your input, take care!
