Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

[Snapshot 14w29b] (x32) DerpToonCraft V 3.4

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
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Level 33 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Main Forum Page



DerpToonCraft is an original texture pack/resource pack.

This pack features some pretty cool animated blocks and items. It is still a work in progress. I plan on expanding this pack into the mod community by adding mod support for the pack. If you enjoy it support me by downloading it or just sharing it with your friends.

V 3.4

+ The following items:
Raw mutton, Cooked mutton, Prismarine shard, Prismarine crystal, Raw rabbit, Cooked rabbit, Rabbit foot, Rabbit stew.
+ Sponge
+ Wet sponge
+ Prismarine Bricks
+ Prismarine block
+ Dark Prismarine
+ Sea lantern

V 3.3

+ The following items:
Shears, Seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Melon seeds, Empty map, Filled map, Steve head
+ Armor Iron
+ Armor Gold
+ Armor Chainmail
+ Iron Trapdoor

V 3.2

+ The following items:

Clown fish, Salmon, Fish, Puffer fish, All music discs, Minecart_Chest, Minecart_Command_block, Minecart_Tnt, Minecart_Hopper, Minecart_furnace

+ Entity Steve

+ Entity Minecart


V 3.1

+ Granite

+ Polished Granite

+ Andesite

+ Polished Andesite

+ Diorite

+ Polished Diorite

+ Slime block


V 3.0

+ Mob Wither skeleton

+ The following Items:

Wither head, Skeleton head, Exp Bottle

+ Gui Options

+ Gui Crafting table

+ Gui Chest

+ Gui Hopper

+ Gui Dispenser

+ Gui Inventory

+ Gui Furnace

+ Gui Brewing stand

+ Gui Enchanting table

+ Gui Horse

+ Gui Anvil

+ Gui Creative menu

+ Gui Inventory

+ Enviroment End sky

+ Dark oak Leaves

/ Changed every leaf texture

/ Changed Rain

V 2.9

+ The following Items:

Redstone, Emerald, Coal, Gold, Sugar, Lapis Lazuli, Rotten flesh, Every single Dye, Bone, Leather, Fire charge, Slime ball, Blaze rod, Blaze powder, Charcoal, Cookie, Drinkable potion, Throw potions, Melon, Glistering melon, String, Glowstone, Wheat, Flint, Cake, Nether wart, Wooden Door, Iron door, Pumpkin pie, Bowl, Soup, Bed, Potato, Baked potato, Poisonous potato, Baked potato, Sugar cane, Apple, Golden apple, Feather, Sign, Name tag, Lead, Spider eye, Fermented spider eye, Gunpowder, Golden nugget, Book, Written book, Enchanted book, Unwritten book, Cauldron, Nether star, Bow, Arrow, Ender eye, Enderpearl, Nether quartz, Raw beef, Cooked steak, Boat, Bread, Brick, Brewing stand, Carrot on a stick, Clayball, Cauldron, Comparator, Repeater, Clock, Flower pot, Paper, Creeper head, Iron Armour, Gold armor, Chain armor, Diamond armor, Leather armor.

_______ End of Items _____

+ Mob Sheep

+ Mob Skeleton

+ Flower pot

+ Repeater

+ Red mushroom block

+ Brown mushroom block

+ White mushroom block

+ Piston

+ Sticky piston

+ Placed Redstone

+ Obsidian

+ Cobweb

+ Endframe eye

+Fire animation

+ Hopper

+ Acacia Leaves

+ Portal blocks

+ Redstone torch

+ Normal rail

+ Activator rail

+ Detector rail

+ Powered rail

+ Stone slab

+ Trapdoor

+ Tripwire hook

+ Wheat block

+ Chiseled quartz block

► Finished every Block

V 2.8

+ The following Items:

Egg, Magma cream, Flint and steel, Carrot, Snowball, Raw porkchop, Cooked Porkchop, Golden carrot, Raw chicken, Cooked chicken.

+ All Axe textures

+ All Sword textures

+ All Shovel textures

+ All Hoe textures

+ Pickaxe textures

+ Redstone comparator

+ Tall grass

+ Item frame

+ Dragon egg

+ Pig texture

+ Renamed some items

V 2.7

+ Red Tulip

+ Orange Tulip

+ White Tulip

+ Pink Tulip

+ Every color Wool

+ Beacon

+ Beacon Beam

+ Falling Snow

+ Every color Glass

+ Red Sand

+ Allium

+ Oxeye Daisy

+ Azure Bluet

+ Tall Fern

+ All 3x4 Paintings

/Changed Cake Texture

/ Changed Peony Texture

V 2.6

+ 1 Extra 1x1 painting

+ All 4x4 paintings

+ Mob_squid

+ Rose Bush

+ Chest

+ Double Chest

+ Trapped Chest

+ Double trapped Chest

+ Potato Plant

+ Peony

+ Lilac

+ Sunflower

+ Blue orchid

V 2.5

+ All Hardened Clay Blocks

+ Enchanting Table (Animated)

+ Hay block

+ Anvil

+ Melon Block

+ End stoneme

+ End Frame

+ Mycelium

+ Iron Bars

+ Ladder

+ Lever

+ Melon Plant

+ Pumpkin Plant

+ Mob Spawner

+ Note block

+ Stone Brick

+ Mossy Stone brick

+ Chiseled Stone brick

+ Cracked Stone brick

+ All 1x1 paintings

+ All 1x2 Paintings

+ Acacia Wooden planks

+ Acacia Wood Log

+ Acacia Sapling

+ Dark oak Sapling

+ Dark Oak Wooden planks

+ Dark oak Wood log

+ Podzol grass

+ Ice Packed

+ Quartz Block

+ Quartz Pillar

+ Chiseled Quartz

/ Changed Oak,Birch,Jungle,Spruce Saplings

V 2.4

+ Dead Bush

+ Cocoa Bean plant

+ Water_Flowing

+ Jack'o'lantern

+ Braking animation

+ Jukebox

+ Dispenser

+ Dropper

+ Lava

+ Carrot plant

+ Red mushroom

+ Brown mushroom

+ Iron door

V 2.3

+ Cauldron

+ Clay

+ Sugar Cane

+ All Sandstone types

+ Mob_Creeper

+ Bookshelf

+ Torch

+ Nether brick block

+ Nether wart Plant

+ Netherrack

+ Soulsand

+ Quartz Ore

+ Brewing Stand

+ Crafting Table

+ Water

+ Redstone Lamp

/ Glass

V 2.2

+ Moon

+ Sun

+ Rain

+ Cactus

+ Wooden Door

+ All Sapling types

+ Vines

+ Item_Bucket all types

+ Item_Raw_Fish

+ Item_Cooked_Fish

+ Spawn Eggs

+ Lily pad

+ Gravel

+ Sand

+ Snow

+ Mossy cobblestone

V 2.1

+ All wood plank types

+ All leave types

+ All log types

+ Command block

+ Bed

+ Glowstone

+ Pumpkin

+ Furnace

V 2.0

+ All Ore types

+ Grass

+ Dirt

+ Stone

+ Put up for Downlod

+ Published on PMC






Latest -> adf.ly/qUCwE
Version 3.3 http://adf.ly/duUNF

Version 3.2 adf.ly/dGKDN

Version 3.1 - adf.ly/cC73K

Version 3.0 - http://adf.ly/aSc00

Version 2.9 - adf.ly/ZtxKr

Version 2.8 - http://adf.ly/ZN6Ms

Version 2.7 - adf.ly/YXnyZ

Version 2.6 - http://adf.ly/YVSRB

Version 2.5 - adf.ly/YHPa4

Version 2.4 - http://adf.ly/XnPy5

Version 2.3 - http://adf.ly/Xiaae

Version 2.2 - http://adf.ly/XaC8l

Version 2.1 - http://adf.ly/VbdKN

Version 2.0 - http://adf.ly/VUQ3T


You can contact me through my Email fishpie@outlook.com

Or find me on

YouTube ->http://www.youtube.com/user/GoldTreeProductions

Twitter -> @GoldTreeProduct

Deviant Art ->http://goo.gl/DP0Kfr

My Live streams ->http://goo.gl/ErGXXw
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.8

13 Update Logs

V 3.4 : by DerpyBirds 07/21/2014 3:32:52 pmJul 21st, 2014

+ The following items:
Raw mutton, Cooked mutton, Prismarine shard, Prismarine crystal, Raw rabbit, Cooked rabbit, Rabbit foot, Rabbit stew.
+ Sponge
+ Wet sponge
+ Prismarine Bricks
+ Prismarine block
+ Dark Prismarine
+ Sea lantern

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07/21/2014 8:11 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Geek
stop saying the P- word! it's wettrok!!!
lol sorry
just i need to have it for a habbit...
07/21/2014 8:34 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Sorry? wettrok? what...
07/21/2014 8:46 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Geek
It's a name for MustNotSay I came up with, like it said, it was named in a contest. if i'd known about it before there would be a 00.01% chance it would've been called Wettrok, however Mojang may(or may not,) correct the grammar though. and that would also be a 00.10% chance i'd've known of it before. so... -0.09% chance...
07/21/2014 5:20 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
07/21/2014 5:53 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pixel Painter
What's the mstter?
02/22/2014 11:18 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Warrior
perfect for derps like me :3
02/21/2014 9:28 pm
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
This is a really unique format of a post. Those are some good graphics
02/21/2014 9:36 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pixel Painter
Thanks man, I try.
02/22/2014 4:52 am
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
you are also able to do amazing things with resource packs in the snapshots. right now im working with the block models addition.... take a look at your mc jar... assets\minecraft\models\block
search custom block models on the internets.
12/20/2013 12:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hello, I loved the pack! Make more packs. You are very talented.
