This Texture Pack is an entry in the completed BEN 10 JAM.

Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

Omnitrix (Ben 10) - Now Downloadable

  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Models
  • 9,641 views, 18 today
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Level 30 : Artisan Blacksmith
Created as a submission for the Ben 10 Jam

New Update Log Below! - New Models Added

I was already working on this before I found out about the Ben 10 Jam here on PMC, Models are NOW downloadable. If you feel like supporting me/my work at all head to my website or discord for options.

There are 3 different Resource Packs included in the zip file. an optifine cit pack, a pack that utilizes custom model data, and a pack that just replaces mc items with my models.

I used to do a lot of MC modeling but stopped for about a year or so, This is one of the first models that I've made since getting back into creating models Yesterday

If the model is worn on your head it will be around one of your arms instead of inside of your head, I also may make it come out of your chest to have the Omnitrix logo appear on your skin. Not sure yet, I will post updates about this model here and will let you guys know if I decide to post it for free.

If you guys do decide to use this in any videos or projects definitely let me know, I would love to see them :)
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20

2 Update Logs

Made Models Downloadable For Everyone : by saintdevin 07/28/2023 11:01:11 pmJul 28th, 2023

If you feel like supporting me/my work at all head to my website or discord for options.

There are 3 different Resource Packs included in the zip file. an optifine cit pack, a pack that utilizes custom model data, and a pack that just replaces mc items with my models.

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02/25/2024 2:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
What's the modified item?
02/26/2024 11:27 am
He/Him • Level 30 : Artisan Blacksmith
It is a carved pumpkin, If you are using the Optifine pack rename them to one of these:

- Omnitrix Cooldown
- Omnitrix Active
- Omnitrix Badge
06/17/2023 8:20 am
Level 45 : Master Kitten
that is way too many cubes
