Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

PvP Sound Pack [Java Edition]

  • check_circle Audio
  • 15,846 views, 31 today
  • 1,217 downloads, 1 today
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Hybred's Avatar Hybred
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Crafter
What is PvP Sound Pack?
PvP Sound Pack changes the sounds in Minecraft to be better for PvP. The sounds in this pack make each action and each kill more satisfying

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Why Do I Charge?
PMC bans 99% of monetization links and only allows a select few, those few take 95% of your profits basically making them give you nothing. My only option for monetization is charging now. I made my Patreon as cheap as the site allows to make it as accessible as possible. This was not my first decision and only a last resort. If you want the free full version of my content look them up on other websites or my socials like Twitter & Discord.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20

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