Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

Rapturecraft - Resourcepack

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
  • 61,643 views, 1 today
  • 13,727 downloads, 0 today
  • 84
  • 66
  • 95
Level 47 : Master Skinner
Hey Boys & Girls!

This is my Resourcepack Rapturecraft, which will bring you a little bit closer to the feeling and the atmosphere in Bioshock.
I currently use it in the project Rapture comes alive. Be sure to check this out, too. (http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/rapture-from-bioshock---wip/)

The pack comes with enhanced textures and will add extra sounds you may hear in Bioshock 1 + 2, like songs from the record player, announcements directly out of Rapture, doorsounds, splicersounds and much more!
It also comes with an advanced GUI + Font.

  • Choose your Version:
Normal Edition
Choose this one, if you want to play my Adventuremap Rapture comes alive.
Survival Edition
Choose the Survival Edition, if you want to play it in your everyday Minecraft game. This version has reduced Soundeffects, Itemnames and other stuff, that would annoy in the normal Minecraft.
  • Download my Resourcepack (If you have problems, please contact me)
  • Place the Rapturecraft.zip in your resourcepack folder, located at appdata.minecraft (if you have problems here, you can eather contact me, or have a look at google, how to install recourcepacks.)
  • Install Optifine (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/249637-164-optifine-hd-c6-fps-boost-hd-textures-aa-af-and-much-more/) Be sure to always use the current and right version!
  • Start Minecraft and choose my resourcepack in the options menu
  • Play Minecraft and have fun!
If you still have any problems or questions concerning the installation, please write me a message.

Do you like my work and want to support it? Than please make sure to give me a diamond an/or favourite my resourcepack, so that you will always be on the newest update!
Please pause your Adblocker while using my Ad.fly links if you wish to support me. Thanks!

Concerning the Ad.fly-Links:
I am only advertising the time that I put into this Resourcepack. Every sound and texture I didn't create by myself belongs to whoever created it. I renounce every right on these works.
If you have problems or questions using these links, please contact me via a private message.

Any questions, suggestions or constructive criticism? Please leave a comment. Thanks!
Progress65% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.4

10 Update Logs

Update 1.0b & Surival 1.0b : by Maxiig 12/10/2013 1:20:44 pmDec 10th, 2013

  • Added textures:

-Diamond Sword(Big Daddy Drill)
-Hardened clay brown(Red Wall)
-Hardened clay light blue(Tiles 1)
-Hardened clay purple(Street Stones 2)
-Hardened clay magenta(Cracked Street Stones 2)
-Anvil(Medical Pavilion Signs)
-Flint and Steel(Incinerate! Plasmid arm)
-Records(Audio Diaries)
-Complete Armor(Tonics)
-Skeleton(Leadhead Splicer)
-Birch Logs
  • Added sounds:

-Thuggish Splicer
-Doors (wooden and iron)
-Bow and bowhits
-New watersounds
-Eve inject
-Creepy music
-Dripping water
-Skeleton Sounds
-Andrew Ryan Speach
  • Changed Paintings
  • Added variations for zombies
  • Changed the texture of wooden doors
  • Added connected textures for glass
  • Added natural textures
  • Added custom language file again
  • Added variations for Skeletons
  • Made it compatible to 1.7.2

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11/30/2019 3:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
You shouldn't use adfly. It's in violation of COPPA and contains malware and adware infections. I get it, ads pay the bills, but they do not when they're illegal and contain malware. You literally have to click "allow notifications" to download the pack. I'm sorry, but that's not okay. Therefore I'm posting the link to the pack here to save people from adware and malware.
08/21/2018 1:54 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Architect
hello Maxiig, i world like to use your texture pack for my Bioshock project, I also like to alter it to resemble a Pre-civil war Rapture. i will give credit to you but i''ll give the changed textures credit to me. let me know if that's ok and hope you respond.
04/16/2017 11:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hello Maxiig i would like to use your texture pack in my minecraft map i will give credit and ill change few things and give the changed texture credit to me i would give it all to you but maybe something does look as good and you dont want people thinking its yours. The map is a Bioshock cross Minecraft map. Raptor yeah a really creative name right but hope you respond!
03/07/2016 6:36 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
Hello everyone i'm here to tell you that i'm currently working on an updated version of this pack for a new bioshock server opening up soon. All credit will go to Maxiig for creating this pack originally but I will reserve credit for what I change. I mean it's been 2 years !? and now it's time for true bioshock lovers to see a full build of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd game all on one server with a grand resource pack. Thank you Maxiig for all your hard work otherwise I couldn't have made this new version possible. :)
03/30/2016 4:23 pm
Level 41 : Master Taco
Are you still doing it?
I would really like to see it!
04/01/2016 5:13 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Crafter
Yes my friend and I are still working on the server but it's been slow going because life just gets in the way. Anyways we hope to have something to show off soon !
02/06/2016 4:51 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Artist
I'm not sure if you're still reading comments but I wanted to let you know that I'd be happy to help you continue working on the pack--I can even do custom models if you'd like :] Bioshock is my favorite game series of all time and this is a really awesome adaptation of it in Minecraft~
11/17/2015 6:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Common Maxiig we want a texture pack when will you be able to work on one.  Im counting on you to finish this I wanted it finished so bad, its by far the best Bioshock rescource pack.
11/01/2015 7:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I love this Rescource Pack.  Its my favorite one and a few of my friends can say the same.  I have a few opinions of this that I think shoud be fixed.
  • Fire too loud
  • Water not clear enough

  • Needs updated
  • Normal music needs deleted
  • Villager skin=Survivor(Taken out, in bioshock wiki)
  • Gaurdian=Shark
  • Zombie Pigmen=Lancer Big Daddy
  • Enderman=Houdini Splicer
  • Spider=Spider Splicer
  • Creeper=Nitro Splicer
  • Iron golem=Big daddy
  • Witch=Security Bot
  • Ender pearl should be a power
  • More foods
  • New door

I know youre a busy dude put that is my imput and thanks for listening.
10/26/2015 11:52 am
Level 47 : Master Skinner
Hey Guys, its me. First of all, thank you for all your attention and support! I haven't been working on either of my projects due to my final studies, but I do want you to know that I'm still here and reading all your comments and answering your messages. Maybe the time will come when I will keep on working. :)

Thanks a lot, you are awesome!
 - Maxiig
