- check_circle GUI
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- check_circle Misc
- check_circle Mobs
- check_circle Terrain
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You need the save the galaxy don't you!? I don't think you could do that as Steve. Try saving the galaxy with blasters and lightsabers. You can save the universe now! So go, download the texture pack! Disturb the force all you want! It dosent matter! You can do it!
**Finally updated for all of you who have been waiting for a new version. I just made it so that you can play without holes. I will be adding more later.
Finished chests, crafting table and furnace.
Still need suggestion for the blocks not yet changed, ex. netherrack, obsidian, wools (excluding white), things like that.
**Finally updated for all of you who have been waiting for a new version. I just made it so that you can play without holes. I will be adding more later.
Finished chests, crafting table and furnace.
Still need suggestion for the blocks not yet changed, ex. netherrack, obsidian, wools (excluding white), things like that.
Progress | 45% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.3.1 |
Resolution | 16x |
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4 Update Logs
Update #4 : by SunnyTopVil 10/21/2011 6:24:03 amOct 21st, 2011
I fixed white wool, it dosen't look weird anymore and it can go both ways instead of up and down :D
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