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Chesto_'s Avatar Chesto_
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
A texture pack that mainly focuses on flower variations at the moment, but soon this pack will include:

  • Better leaves/ grass (it exists now) TTM's Lush Leaves Minecraft Texture Pack
  • Optifine CTM textures for various blocks
  • Randomized entity textures and custom Optifine models
  • Custom armor and Elytra textures when renamed, so Parrot Elytra can finally be a thing!

Any suggestions? I want this pack to become the best it can be, and one way I can do that is if you leave your suggestions down below!

PLEASE do not repost this pack on any website without my permission and do not take any assets from it without asking and crediting me. You may use it in any Youtube videos or videos on other similar platforms if you give credit.

Progress20% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16.5

1 Update Logs

Version 1.2 : by Chesto_ 12/05/2020 5:15:04 pmDec 5th, 2020

- Edited oak and dark oak leaves
- Made grass colors brighter
- Changed flower stem color to better fit the new grass and foliage colors
- Changed textures for Elytra, Chest, Cartography Table, and Saplings
- Made fence posts have singular planks as posts as opposed to the regular texture
- Slightly altered lily pad texture(this will change)
- Changed Berry Bush texture

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12/29/2020 3:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AlterraZenith's Avatar
Wow this is amazing pack
but i have 1 question
do you will retexture all block and item??
12/29/2020 8:11 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Chesto_'s Avatar
well, this is a vanilla edits pack, so no. I might make a big special pack later, but i'm not sure.
12/22/2020 11:59 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Taco
The_Aztral's Avatar
Se me antojaron unos tacos con vainilla
12/20/2020 12:16 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
MiningPug's Avatar
This is a really interesting pack! I love your style of pixel art, as it fits in nicely as a unique addition to the original Vanilla textures.
12/20/2020 5:21 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Chesto_'s Avatar
Thank you!
Hay Golem
12/19/2020 11:05 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Hay Golem's Avatar
Worth a diamond just for the glazed terracotta! Finally, terracotta that actually looks decent!
12/09/2020 2:03 am
Level 45 : Master Fox
iceNslice's Avatar
Hey man !! Cool texture pack !!
Just wanna know, what is the syntax for blockstates ??
I can't do them by myself...
Help ?
12/06/2020 11:36 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Blacksmith
Insanial's Avatar
This is really really cool work! As people have said, the warts, terracotta, flowers and leaves are amazing! There is a lot of potential here and I'm excited to see where it goes!! :)
12/07/2020 8:24 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
Chesto_'s Avatar
Thank you! I love your texture pack as well!
12/06/2020 5:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Cynicalpear28008's Avatar
I don't even know exactly what to say. Just... wow, I absolutely adore this pack!! Thank you so much for the work you've put into this. My favorite additions have got to be the jungle logs, wart blocks, and flowers!! I'm always the biggest sucker for variations! Something I thought would be interesting is I actually rotated the warped wart block 180 degrees so it looks like the warts are growing up! :)

Amazing pack, I can't wait to see what you add next. Thank you so much for your hard work!!!!
