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Level 39 : Artisan Architect
This is my first Minecraft Texture Pack: Thiefcraft!
Based on the original textures of the first two Thief games (The Dark Project and Then Metal Age) I created this 64x64 texture pack. I used as many original nartwork as possible and made the rest myself. Minecraft fits perfectly nfor a Thief-themed texture pack, and since I'm a huge fan of the series nmyself, I definitely wanted to make it.

Modded content includes all new terrain tiles, items, interface designs, ect.
I hope you enjoy it, taffer. :D

PLEASE NOTE: I disabled the download because it's not functional in this state. However, I'll probably finish my own version of ThiefCraft. In the meantime, please download Hammerite-Craft made by DasDuriel. Thank you!

Additional Notes

To Do list:
- armor
- particles
- interface

Working version now available. Added Pistons, Shears and parts of the GUI. Please patch your Minecraft with the HD texture pack fix (link provided in the green box below the screenshots) or it won't work!
CreditLooking Glass Studios
Progress50% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7 beta

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Pa3s 07/14/2011 10:55:53 amJul 14th, 2011

Today I have started to work on this pack again. I can't give you a new downloadable zip yet, but I'll do my best to fix all the issues which cause it to crash and add the additional content like pistons, hatches and the other new stuff.

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10/11/2017 3:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
I want this resource pack so much! I have been a fan of Thief II and Thief I since it came out, all i want is for this pack to be released again. Please and thank you.
08/31/2014 3:58 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Can you make this Resolution 16x16?
02/14/2013 8:13 pm
Level 42 : Master Electrician
This Very Nice Texturepack ! God Work ! Favorite and Diamond :)
Look my skins From Thief  ( Here )
Erik Svahn
09/19/2012 2:50 am
Level 44 : Master Artist
Really really cool, well done, I will give u a diamond
01/14/2012 6:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Certain blocks let you see through the map, and everything from the nether is green. Could you fix that?
01/15/2012 2:29 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
As I said, I don't have the time and motivation to complete this pack right now, sorry.
12/01/2011 10:09 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pegasus
hm...sry i did ur work and createt a full minecraft 1.0 working version :D

did stolen some textures for items+armor (see readme)


looks like its more my then ur texturepack now :/
12/06/2011 2:02 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
I just checked it out, you did indeed add many other things as well. So I believe if I would finally make mine, it would look pretty different anyway, so don't worry.

PS: Check the sides of the grass block, I think you missed the first row of the pixels when you changed the texture.
12/06/2011 2:42 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pegasus
ty for the feedback

i think the problem with the grass is the changing color added with 1.8 // grasscolor.png

its a bit tricky to find the right colors
12/06/2011 1:49 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
That's okay. I just don't have the time right now and I was also lacking the motivation because of the many updates. Maybe I'll get around finishing mine later, when the minecraft version stays more or less the way it is over a longer time.

btw: I have no problem if you want to publish it here by yourself. As I said, if I finish it, I'll post it here, otherwise, you did your job.
