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katalyka's Avatar katalyka
Level 48 : Master Creeper Hugger
Urban Sprawl texture pack is designed for modern, urban, decayed environments, but also good for a wide variety of interior styles.

This video quality is not very good... I know... I am working on a laptop, so when I run Minecraft and the recording program the frame rate drops severely... if you can help me come up with a better video showing some of the features of Urban Sprawl I would love to feature it here!


The main idea is that all of the textures will be things you find in a modern decaying city environment, so instead of ore blocks there will be appropriate decorative architecture blocks... etc...

This pack looks great with Jail servers, City servers, Modern Architecture Adventure Maps, Post Apocalyptic servers, and even some of the more esoteric and freeform Adventure/Survival/Monument maps.

Optifine or Modloader is required if you want to see this texture pack as it was designed to be seen... with lots of unique features and more planned, if you are using either of those mods! There will be some animation, many connected textures and some random texture blocks, and a lot of art for urban environment signs that you will miss unless you are using an HD texture pack loader that is compatible with the Connected Textures Mod.

I highly recommend Optifine as your HD texture pack solution, as its what I use, and I found that it nearly doubled my framerate in Minecraft.


Its almost done, but a couple of things are still in default form, as placeholders... I will be completing this pack to 100%, so if you have any questions, comments, or ideas... let me know in the comments area here.

If you like this pack, use it for something epic, or want to feature it in a video... that would be awesome... I'm mostly making this for fun and to hopefully make some friends and meet collaborators who want to make some amazing and enjoyable content for Minecraft... please let me know and post a link so I can share it with others!

If you like this pack and want to keep it updated, let me know with a diamond or a subscription... as long as there seems to be interest, I will keep making improvements. ^___^

If you post mod requests i the comments, I will probably start adding them to this pack as I find the time to.


Additional Notes

[Warning: as of right now, the More Painting Mod is NOT compatible with Minecraft 1.4, please ignore this part until it updates]

If you have an older version of the game... In order to make full use of the paintings pack, I recommend this mod:


(Urban Sprawl is compatible with the "tiny pics edition", and yes I will be trying to fully fill it all)
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.4

40 Update Logs

Update #40 : by katalyka 11/12/2012 7:13:17 pmNov 12th, 2012

added ctm noteblock cupboards, changed mycelium back to environmental, added new display picture to show more of the interior household type blocks

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01/15/2016 3:12 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Pokémon
MagreloDetonados's Avatar
This Pack Need a Update!!!
03/06/2013 3:48 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Lasotm's Avatar
Will you update it? 1.5 update is nearly.
01/21/2013 7:35 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
PharmChem's Avatar
Version 1.4.7 is out and many items are incompatible!
Please update!
12/07/2012 10:25 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
PharmChem's Avatar
Will you update it?
12/08/2012 7:20 pm
Level 48 : Master Creeper Hugger
katalyka's Avatar
I will be adding more, but I was working on a different project, is there something that isn't compatible with the newest version?
12/23/2012 8:28 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
PharmChem's Avatar
Version 1.4.6 is out and new items have been added.
12/07/2012 12:54 am
Level 23 : Expert Ranger
Ideal_Logic's Avatar
Do you think you could maybe post a video on how to make those glass shapes? My girlfriend is really confused on how to make that. Thanks! :)
12/08/2012 7:19 pm
Level 48 : Master Creeper Hugger
katalyka's Avatar
Those glass shapes are part of the connected textures / optifine mod... the most common troubleshooting question would be: is she using that mod, and is the "connected textures" bar set to "on", in the menu options?
12/10/2012 2:35 am
Level 23 : Expert Ranger
Ideal_Logic's Avatar
Probably not. I'll let her know, Thanks so much!
11/21/2012 4:32 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Coolrayquaza12's Avatar
One of the best ones i got ever
