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ThistlePack's Avatar ThistlePack
Level 83 : Elite Necromancer
Do you enjoy setting elaborate and deadly traps for villagers, monsters, and other players on your server? Do you celebrate every time the sun starts to set? Do you use torches only to keep from having endermen sneak up on you while you sleep? The Dungeon variant of the the Wolfhound Pack may be what you need then! Filled with black stone, dark motifs, and the tiny details Wolfhound is known for, you'll be able to turn your world into a terrifying dungeon. Please note this texture pack will not torment your enemies for you. You'll still have to do that on your own.

Too dark and dreary for you? Try the Heavenly variant.
Want something a bit more ethereal? Try the Fairy variant.
Looking for something cultural? Try theAsianvariant.
Looking for something seasonal? Try the Seasons variant.
Looking for something shiny? Try the Fantasy variant.
Looking for something from the 13th century? Try the Classic Medieval variant.

Want to build your own? Try the Customizer!

Get the matching skin!

Please note that since I can't upload to PMC anymore, the only option is Mediafire. I'm sorry.

Terms of Use:

Because I get asked this stuff a lot.

What can I do with this pack?
  • use it in a Youtube video, include a link back to Wolfhound
  • use it in a remix pack for redistribution, include credit and a link back to Wolfhound
  • alter textures for a remix pack for redistribution, include credit and a link back to Wolfhound
  • use (altered or unaltered) in a map for distribution, include credit and a link back to Wolfhound
  • use it for any of the above purposes without first asking permission
What can I NOT do with this pack?
  • claim it as your own work
  • put it under any sort of link that makes you money
  • upload it to websites as a texture pack. In other words, don't go to some website that distributes texture packs that I'm not already on and upload it yourself. I need to retain control of this pack so I can keep it current.
I've relaxed my standards on what you can and cannot do with this texture pack because I'm making this for the community and I want the community to be able to use it and benefit from it. There's no advantage other than ego-stroking to keep it exclusively to myself. Just don't claim it as your own.

And make sure you're following the TOS of anywhere you use it.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.2

35 Update Logs

Update #35 : by ThistlePack 10/25/2023 9:57:07 pmOct 25th, 2023

Updated to 1.20

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09/30/2022 9:09 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Pirate
MariyaShadows's Avatar
Bravo on making the Warden the stuff of nightmares(in a good way).
return of the living dead
08/24/2021 6:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
return of the living dead's Avatar
the texture pack of edge lords also great pack
08/13/2021 4:59 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman System
PigGeneral's Avatar
Great pack !
06/13/2021 7:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Longlostvampire's Avatar
was wondering if possible, if it isnt too much trouble for you or anyone that helped make this, if you could make a bedrock edition version of this, if not, thats fine, just figured it couldnt hurt to ask
02/13/2021 2:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BluePhoenixHell's Avatar
Awesome texture pack, wondering if using this or one of your other texture packs on a twitch stream would be against tos? I know it clarifies youtube is fine with credits and link, but would using on twitch be fine as long as credits and link is given in title/mod list in chat?
03/07/2021 11:06 am
Level 83 : Elite Necromancer
ThistlePack's Avatar
That would be fine and not against the TOS.
12/30/2020 1:24 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Squeaky's Avatar
Aight so I noticed a bug. cobblestone walls are big pink and black cubes. Was in a village and saw the walls. Ill take a screenshot when I get the chance.
09/13/2021 4:39 pm
He/Him • Level 21 : Expert Archer Dragonborn
FaultyAce's Avatar
I fixed it by going in the resource pack folder and deleting the file for the cobblestone wall.

Go into resourcepacks - click on the wolfhound+dungeon - assets - Minecraft - blockstates - than scroll down to cobblestone_wall and delete it.

cobblestone wall missing texture fix
01/05/2021 2:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User3367016G's Avatar
ditto... i like this texture pack, i've used it in the past, please fix this bug cause i have these blocks all over my world xD
10/18/2020 3:23 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
my favorite pack on all PMC!

but could u maybe fix the customizer website?
