Ticket #22392
Status: Accepted
Opened by KawaMood
Bug Report
3/13/24 1:46 pm 3/13/24 1:46 pm
3/14/24 9:34 am 3/14/24 9:34 am

Ratio and size of contents thumbnails are inconsistent

Hi, I don't really know if it belongs to the "bug" section, since it is a design / UX issue more than a technical bug. But there's no section for such recommandation.

The ratio and aspect of the thumbnails of contents on different parts of the site are different. This results into breaking images layout by truncating some parts of them, and also blur them, making the render inconsistent with the original thumbnails.

Here's an example of the data packs feed page:
[​View screenshot]

As you can see on this screenshot, the element has a 371*200px size, which is larger than the resource it uses (360*211px) hence the blur.

Moreover the ratio isn't the same, as the element's ratio is 1,855/1 and the 1,7/1, hence the title being really close to the border (and even truncated for some other people data packs). Which isn't only bad for the render, but can also hide important information / CTA.

Now here's an example of the data packs feed page:
[​View screenshot]

Here the size of the element is smaller, than its resource, so the image doesn't show blurry. The ratio is also closer from the original image, though it is still not exactly the same. Even it is less likely to truncate informations, the layout is still a bit altered.

I won't talk about the responsive render (on mobile or pads), but it it unfortunately sometimes even worse. But I think most of people use to look for content on their PC, so it is probably less problematic.

It would be great if all parts of the website would display thumbnails at the exact same ratio (meaning, of course, not necessary the same size, but always the same ratio) to avoid these rendering issues. And also always use a resource which is larger or equal to the size of the element, in order to avoid the blurry render.

You probably can't imagine how this simple change would help many contents creators.

Thank you in advance for the consideration.

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