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Minecraft's In The Bag 5! Resource Packs are Resourceful!

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Stoven's Avatar Stoven
Level 33 : Artisan Spider Rider
Hey guys and welcome to the new blog of MITB! I have to work on the acronym but this time I actually founded 3 texture packs because I'm lacking people who wanted a review in the forums. If you want a review by me that may have a chance to show on my blog, do click here!

These 3 resource packs are newly created and I do not know if I want to take a chance to review the biggest texture packs in minecraft. What do you think? Do I possess the skills to review these gods of resource packs? Anyways, Lets start reviewing these awesome guys.

If you like this series, check out my previous ones!

Wayukian Pack


Look at all the wonderful pixels!

To Wayuki,


Is it good enough for my eyes to handle? Look at these pictures. Very promising! You also claim you made this back in 2011. Leto s see the ultimate result. The buttons and guis look very intriguing. Ito s just basic enough for me to deal with and everything else works out great!



What blows me away is EVERYTHINGo ¦. For the architectural work. I dono t know but somehow the architecture seems superior to the terrain for some reason, making the terrain feel worse than it should be. Io m not getting your hopes down, ito s an awesome terrain work trust me on that! But the architecture is very innovative for a rpg theme. For 1 second I swear I was in a different game other than minecraft. Dungeons are now more like dangerous dungeons and temples look more like daunting temples. For the individual bits and pieces here, your style is one of a kind for its uniqueness. Ito s like very foreign to vanilla. I tried so hard to find a flaw of one block but it horrendously failed. But I found one mistake. The signo s border is too large, which makes the font appear on the border, and for the font, I recommend searching for a new one to relate to a rpg theme resource pack.



I smell semi-realistic on this one. The details are very exaggerated but very interesting on the witches and villagers. The dangerous mobs look excellent and thumbs up for making the enderman have bones. I didno t even know enderman have ribcages. You even made the skeletons jealous. Anyways, Io m a bit sketchy about how you recolored the creepers to more like a tree trunk texture. Io m a fan of green and creepers, and the color brown ruins it, except for the amazing texture. The friendly mobs though are good enough for me to be satisfied. It just the major difference of styles between 2 types of mobs are dizzying my tiny head. Maybe add noise to some of your animals to enhance your texture. On the side note, That is might be the best iron golem Io ve ever seen. Also, did you forget to edit the pigmen and the blaze, or ito s just a bug?



Let start off with armor and weapons. This really is a unique rpg themed armor, especially on the swords. You even made a wooden sword look epic. The rest of the items are very detailed and not to the point of realism, but maybe the food could be more saturated and vivid to not blend with the others. You keep the theme balanced and I enjoyed looking at this outstanding semi-realistic rpg themed resource pack.


Total: 9.4/10 for originality and uniqueness of the textures used in this resource pack.

8-BitCraft (1.6)


WARNING: They will be red, lots of it.

To TheDrpepper99,


I first get presented by a bland video of the texture pack, but the blocks look very limited. Ito s an interesting experiment to play around with and it made me want to try it out up close. Though Io m the weird one here, my taste is not as odd as everyone else. Anyways, Good presentation to get a feel of whato s hitting me next. The guis look simplistic as it can be. Ito s similar to the vanilla guis but it looks good. Maybe adding particles to it wouldno t hurt.



The stone killed the terrain, literally. The extreme contrast on the stones is too much for my eyes and I suggest toning down the darks of it or decreasing the darks of it. The overall appeal look of it is fascinating for die hard monochromatic red fans. Io m seeing red everywhere! I suppose I like the concept of it. The architecture looks more red and the nether looks more pink. The idea of very bright nether blocks is too bizarre. Put it back to a more dark red and Io ll stop talking about red. Oh yea, one more thing, the glowstone looks like rotten cheese with slimy goo. It just looks bad, put it back to the glowstone colors I love. Keep the vanilla colors with a pinch of red please.



Well the mobs are very simpleo ¦. Oh my! What happen to the villagero s and witcho s pupils? I cano t trade them giving me this death stare. Their eyes are green because ito s for the need of emeralds! Anyways, they look like vanilla mobs, but ito s a limited 3 color palette pattern going on. I suggest adding no pupils to your mobs for a simpler look, but also Io m surprised thereo s no tint of red at all. On the side note, please change your vignette. It distracts me by its extreme contrast and left me with a permanent image mark thinking that the laptop is rounded.



I actually enjoyed seeing the armor and weapons beside the horrors of the vignette distracting me. Ito s so simple yet well executed. The other items once again are red. Are you crazy for red? Try blue or something cooler, or maybe Io m offending you because youo re colorblind. Either way, tinted colors for a resource pack do actually work. I thought it would be a disaster but no, ito s actually pretty good.


Total: 8.6/10 for its daring choice of red color for the majority of the pack but have some awful reedits of a few blocks.

[1.6.2][64x]MInecraft 4Kids Revived:


Beware of bucktooth boy and big lip snake girl!

To MCNation101,


I never had seen this theme for a while. Minecraft 4kids is definitely what I expected, Cartoony, simple textures. It shows mostly pictures and little information about the resource pack. The guis are quite the same as vanilla so it doesno t count on the rating.



The terraino s colors reminds me Io m still in minecraft, but I do like the cartoony shapes of the textures. 1 problem though, the stone destroys the extreme hills biome. It looks very contrast that it is repetitive. Try to lessen the contrast to make the terrain better. What makes the architecture rock my socks off is the amazing work on the wool. It reminds me of the clouds. For the individual blocks, what is up with the obsidian? Ito s a great texture but why it belongs in this theme? It looks detailed and evil like its waiting for me give my soul away... just no, cartoonize it and also for the enchantment table. The rest is really great with a variety of patterns and colors, especially the tnt. On the side note, the particles look absolutely amazing. All day I can watch the particles so bonus points for that.



The friendly mobs look very friendly. The cows look like they need love and attention, but most of them have the round eyes. It reminds me of target practice. It looked too simple for me and maybe you could slant them a bit but not to the point of squinted eyes. The dangerous mobs look dangerous with an eye problem. The eyes look great on skeletons and endermen, and the shading looks well-executed. One thing though, whereo s the shading on the zombies? Yes the shapes look interesting but where is the nice shading like you did for the magma cubes? Also, I cano t continue for the mobs because thereo s a zombie with giant lips about to attack meo ¦ or kiss me to death?


Items: (Compass the day-night time is broken)

Lets look at the armor. I will give you credit for creativity on the leather armor. The cardboard robot is back! But the other armors are disappointing. The gradient is mediocre and the abs stand out like a sore thumb. The weapons and tools though are cool on the shading. The other items including the food fits the theme very well. The gradients though could use some work, but other than that, this is an interesting theme. Though it has some problems, its something I didno t see for a while.


Total: 8.7/10 for its creativity and use of color and textures for an interesting theme with some texture problems.

"PianoCraft" - Ultimate MC Resource Pack! (Piano Sounds!)

To MCHeroRealms,

Sounds and music:

I just have to review yours because this is what happens when people mess around with the new resource pack options. Every sound and every death can be described in a piano note. It makes depressing days of working to a fulfilling day of sweet tunes and fun. You made Beethoven proud! I absolutely love the idea and I hope you add more varieties soon to it.

10/10 for creativity and changing the days of building to something more sweet in tunes.

That is it for now. Thank you for reading and even downloading these packs. As always, this is Gms+ and check out the next blog you donkeys!

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