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~*~ The History of Lorena Riley ~*~

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Lirinya or Laurelin's Avatar Lirinya or Laurelin
Level 40 : Master Birb
-I play a RP server and I wanted to properly develop this characters history prior to her entering our new world. Initially I wrote a small introduction to her so I knew a bit about her, but now I am expanding it. I will post what I have currently then post new sections individually, since I have several chapters already.-


A new addition to the familyo ¦.

A typically average day approached the world of Aegis. The cold night air was quickly replaced by the warm, beaming sun. The doors of residents opened and shop keeps pulled out their wares for display. Dawns Bakery was no exception and would open promptly. Laurelins people would hustle inside for their breakfast. Meeting new friends and greeting old ones. Today was no exception, within three hours of daylight the bakery and its surrounding area was full of exited visitors. Children would run around the front of Laurelin while their parents would sit inside, enjoying fine food and ale. It came to no surprise to one couple that nobody noticed them walk inside the city with a new born baby. Whilst the father wandered to the right of the town towards the market and docks, the mother carefully weaved her way into the bakery. Wrapping a small piece of linen around the babyo s head to protect it. To those watching her, she may have seemed like a caring, gentle mother. This was, however false.

Finding an empty spot within the bakery walls, the woman placed the baby on the table and walked out. With everybody as distracted as they were, nobody noticed as the couple left Laurelin, without their child.

The baby lay on the table for some time. Until it started to cry from hunger. Nobody but an elderly couple approached the child. They glanced at her curiously, cautiously brushing the linen from her head. The man lifted the child from the table, cradling her head gently as the woman flittered around the crowds, looking for anybody who may have resembled the parents, whilst knowing inside that it was an impossible task.

The elderly woman returned to her husband and, from the bakery they bought some cows milk and pieces of bread before returning home. As they ate the bread on the walk, the man passed the child to the woman, where she carefully fed the crying baby the fresh milk. She guzzled it happily and they smiled, the man wrapping his arms around the womans shoulder.

o Re naa lye en. Lye aao mali teno heo he says softly to her. The woman nods and takes the milk from

[Roughly translated to o She is ours now. We can care for her]

the child, placing her over her shoulder to burp her. As she does, they laugh, entering their home in Old Laurelin.

o We need to name her, you realise?o The woman says as she gently lays the child on the rug.

o Lorenao ¦o the man replies, o Lorena Dneyres, after my mother. What do you think?o he glances to the woman, watching her smile grow wider o I think it


Growing up as a Dneyreso ¦.

As a child, Lorenas life was filled with happiness at every turn of the corner. She would spend her days carelessly playing with the other children within the walls of Laurelin. She could go anywhere, with no worries from her parents. Often they would pack her some fresh fruit and milk, allowing her to spend the day with her friends. She would run, bare-footed into her favourite grove, not far from her home. The area was enclosed from the world, a small waterfall trickled from the walls and the ground was covered in long, luscious grass and beautiful flowers. She was friendly and social, loved everybody she met.

The Dneyres family were not known for their money. Lorenas father, Tobias made what he could by mining. Mainly, he sold coal and iron ore on the Laurelin market, often disappearing a week to visit Alo khazar. Her mother, Reinna would make money farming. Gathering enough food for their family and selling what spare she could. Between them, they made enough to live comfortably.

One thing that did always confuse Lorena was, how her parents were older than most. She noticed that, whilst her friends parents would run around, playing with them, her parents were too frail to do so. Instead, they would sit her down on evenings, warmed by the fires glow and teach her the old elven language. She enjoyed this much more than playing though, she found it frustrating to learn, especially when none of her friends spoke the language.

o Lorenao her mother chuckled o It is pronounced o Nosseo not o Norseo o

Lorenas face hardened as she concentrated, spelling each letter in her head, then the full word and finally saying it out loud o Nosse~o She grinned, beaming up to her mother. With a smile and a nod Reinna replied o Yes darling, Nosse means familyo Lorena smiled and studied her thoughts once more. After a moment she says confidently o Lye nosse. Firimar, atar aro tinu. Nosse Dneyreso .

Her parents were proud of her development, she became smarter, intelligent and beautiful. But, at the age of twenty, she summoned the courage to enquire about her parents. They sat with her one rainy day and her mother took hold of her hand o Tinu, Mani naa ta?o her mother questioned. Lorena sighed deeply o Mother, Firimar, why is it that I do not look like you? Why is it that you and Atar are older than the others parents?o . Her father nods o We found you, child. In the Bakery some seventeen years back. You will be too young to remember but we had just returned to Laurelin from a trip to the Human Kingdom selling wares. We walked into the bakery to see you laid on the table, crying your heart out, yet nobody else turned to you. I picked you up and your mother fed you. We will not keep this from you child, it is best you know.o

Her mother wiped tears from her eyes o I cannot tell you more than that Lorena. We named you, fed you, clothed you. You are our daughter buto ¦we will understand if you do not wish to continue being with uso ¦.o Lorena blinked out of surprise and wrapped her arms around her mothers neck o Thank you for telling me but you are my family. My birth parents obviously didno t look for me, so why should I care of them? I am Lorena Dneyres. My place is here.o She stood up and bowed respectfully to her parents o I am going for a walko ¦I need to think about what was said to meo ¦may I?o both parents nodded and waved her off as she walked into the rain, carrying a cloak with her.

She walked towards Laurelin gates, she noticed, to her right, two men, half in armour stood talking, hidden under a tree. With their helmets removed she could see, plain as day that they were humans. They seemed so care free, whilst the elves enjoyed nature, they would hide indoors when the rains came. These humans did not seem to care. They fascinated her, even their accents, how they spoke to one another. It was then that they realised she had never left Laurelin. She had always found what she needed within the walls. At that moment, she longed to venture outside. Though the outside is something that her parents had always warned her about, everything they had told her seemed, at this moment, irrelevant. Perhaps she needed this change? Perhaps that is what was needed in her life?

She watched the men for another moment until they spotted her; she lowered her head in an instant. They smirked and kicked the tree they were under; Lorena saw their actions and frowned. Why would they have so little disrespect? At that moment, whilst she still dreamed of leaving Laurelin, she began to despise the humans. One mans actions clouded her judgement for the entire race.is perfecto she whispers, scooping the baby into her arms and taking her to bed, where she lay her down to rest.


The breaking of a familyo ¦.

Lorena spent the next seventy-five years living in practical bliss. Still always stuck within Laurelin gates, but also, enjoying her time there to the fullest. As she grew older she spent less time with her friends and sadly grew apart from them. Instead she stuck to painting and sewing. She had grown creative, seeking these skills to pass her time, but to also act as an outlet. She wrote poems of her dreams and painted what she imagined the human kingdom to look like. She would plan her first journey out towards the kings road. What she would take with her; food, clothes, perhaps some mina?

But all these plans were thrown into despair three months after the passing of her one hundredth birthday. Her parents had both caught an illness not long ago though, with their bodies aged to an extent Lorena still didno t know, they struggled to fight the infection and gradually became worse. They would spend their days together, laid in their bed whilst Lorena cared for them. She would cook their meals of mushroom and steak soup with freshly baked bread. She would clean their clothes and keep the house clean. They were very proud of their daughter and, as family friends came to visit the ill, dying couple, they admired Lorenas dedication to the couple and would leave her gifts of new clothes and coin to help her on her way. She was grateful of the donations, not that she saw them as gifts. She wasno t, in her mind doing anything that a normal child wouldno t do.

As her parents lay ill for the second month it became apparent they were not becoming any better. She realised it, but her parents did too. Though they hid it as best they could, neither could move from their beds. They became more frail than usual and often Lorena would sit in her room, tears flowing from her eyes. Though she acted strong for them, they deserved a child who could care for them until their dying day.

That came soon enough, on their final day, exactly three months after they contracted the illness, they wished her a final goodnight. The moon was shining through their window as they fell asleep in each others arms. Never to wake again. Lorena sat with them for the whole night, never moving, never leaving their side. She knew they were gone. But those people had been in her life from as far back as she could remember. She owed it to them.

As morning approached Lorena headed out of the home to locate a Prince. She explained the situation and asked they be buried somewhere peaceful. Permission was granted to have them buried, with no tomb stones, within the grove she had spent most of her childhood. A service which, only close friends were invited too. They did not appreciate fuss and would have wanted to be sent off in silence. She returned to the house and glanced around the empty living area. There was no sound of her mother cooking, no sound of her father tinkering with treasures he would find in the mines. Nothing. Just silence.

Over the following five days, she did not leave the house and would cry. Simply cry. She had never experienced this feeling of pure grief before and did not know how to handle herself. On the fifth day she stood herself up from the floor, where she had been knelt for several passing hours and wiped her eyes. Silently she collected what food she could as well as a few changes of clothes, her diary, some ink, a quill and some spare parchment. She picked up the bundle of minas her mother had given her a day before her passing and threw it all into a bag. She draped it over her shoulder and wandered out of the door. She scoured Laurelin until she found the prince whom had aided her in burying her parents, meekly she handed him the lock to her home; o Take it.o She said firmly o Ensure the new owners pay respect to the home. For I no longer require it.o She bowed briefly and dashed through the gates. Never to return again.

Chapter four, a new life beings, to be posted soon. Hope you enjoy, please let me know what you think.

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