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1000 Block Build Race [Mini-game]

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MamiyaOtaru's Avatar MamiyaOtaru
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
Posting this on behalf of my buddy Troz because it's an awesome setup.
Also, I'm in the video from 2:10 on :)

Two players or two teams of players race to be the first to build a copy
of a pre-made structure.  They are given materials in a chest to use.
You start the game by having two players stand on the wood pressure
plate in front of the build pads. The structure is randomly selected
from 1 of 64 pre-built structures. I use the new /clone and
/testforblocks commands to copy and compare the structure to what the
players are building. The builds are 10 by 10 by 10, for 1000 blocks
maximum (hence the name). If players get stuck, there is a game reset

Read more about it and download here:

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01/03/2017 3:35 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
babbajagga's Avatar
neat game :)
08/12/2014 1:48 pm
Level 1 : New Network
PseudoResonance's Avatar
I have found a really obnoxious method of getting VoxelMap for 1.7! Just download an official 1.7 VoxelModPack installer, install it and then copy the VoxelMap litemod file. http://voxelmodpack.com/modpacks.html#download_link Scroll down a bit for the download and yes this is the official webpage. The official VoxelBox webpage links to here. http://thevoxelbox.com/ Under the partners tab. Oh and can somebody please reply to me if they have ever had issues with moving/deleting/renaming VoxelBox related exe files? Liteloader installer and VoxelModPack installer that I've had issues with. LiteLoader doesn't do it anymore though, but it's annoying when it takes 1000 hours just to cancel moving the file. (According to WinRAR, the archive is corrupt on download.) I had to run the program as an administrator to get it to even load.
08/11/2014 5:12 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
Sphinx006's Avatar
Funny game, I played it on my personal server with my friends, ..... I have a question and please reply...

Why did you delete VoxelMap it was super popular and I loved it, I can't find any 1.7 VoxelMap downloads anymore :'(
08/12/2014 7:27 pm
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
MamiyaOtaru's Avatar
hey cool that you tried the build race map out.  I appreciate it.  The map is included in the voxel modpack, and is linked in a few places still
08/11/2014 7:10 pm
Level 48 : Master uwu
Joseph's Avatar
THIS! ^^
Potato Logic
07/22/2014 6:24 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist
Potato Logic's Avatar
what happened to all of your mods?
07/24/2014 11:18 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Ikea's Avatar
Yea, I know right? Strange
Potato Logic
07/24/2014 11:54 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Artist
Potato Logic's Avatar
Also, how is he still level 65?
08/27/2014 3:48 am
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
MamiyaOtaru's Avatar
now it's fixed :)
08/11/2014 8:42 pm
Level 99 : Overlord Programmer
MamiyaOtaru's Avatar
beats me.  I removed a few, and dropped to my current level.  Then I removed the rest, and nothing further happened
