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12 Days of Skinmas

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Level 78 : Legendary Elf
••.•.•• 𝟙𝟚 𝔻𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕞𝕒𝕤 ••.•.••
Feel free to participate in the 12 Days of Skinmas as well, anyone's welcome to use the prompt list below! If you do, tag your skins with #12DaysOfSkinmas2019! Feel free to make these skins in advance as well.
12 Days of Skinmas
Prompt List (typed out)

1. frost
2. angel
3. warm weather Christmas
4. ugly sweater
5. Christmas elf
6. reindeer
7. cozy
8. Christmas lights
9. candycane
10. holly/poinsetta
11. Christmas PJs
12. Santa

•.• Trophy •.•
Everyone who completes all 12 prompts gets this trophy/badge to put on their profile! Please only use the trophy once you've finished the challenge! You don't have to finish the challenge on time to get the trophy, you just need to have finished it at some point!

12 Days of Skinmas

how to put the trophy on your profile:
1. right click the trophy, and click "copy image adress"
2. go to your profile, and open a custom post or "about" widget for editing
3. click the "insert/edit media" (should resemble this: perm_media)
4. paste the image address you copied from the trophy (right click, paste OR ctrl+v) and click save
5. a trophy image should have appeared. click it, then click "insert/edit link" (should be a chain icon)
6. paste the link to the challenge, and click save

All done! :D

•.• What is Skinmas? •.•
Skinmas is a challenge in which you make a 1 skin every day between December 1st and the 25th, following a list of Holiday-themed prompts; basically a Christmas Skintober! But, since December is a busy month for a lot of people, Skinmas has a shortened alternative, 12 Days of Skinmas.

•.• When is the 12 Days of Skinmas? •.•
The 12 Days of Skinmas challenge can be done either the first 12 days of December, or the 12 days leading up to Christmas. So that's either Dec. 1-12 OR Dec. 14-25. I will be doing the first option, the 1st through the 12th, but feel free to do either!

•.• Video Series •.•
I'll be doing a short Skinmas series on my YouTube channel, much like my 2018 Skintober series. There will be (if I don't procrastinate) a video every 4 days of Skinmas, so 3 videos total!


- Join my discord server (with 200+ members!) where you can share your Skinmas skins (and normal skins too of course xD)! Everyone's welcome to join! discord.gg/mHdrG9X

DISCLAIMER: I don't know who first did Skinmas, but people have been doing it on here for years. Please comment if you know who started it though so I can credit them!
CreditCredit to whoever started this whole Skinmas thing!

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12/01/2019 11:32 pm
He/Him • Level 62 : High Grandmaster Alien Architect
12/01/2019 11:28 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Skinner
Oooo-- sounds fun :0
12/01/2019 6:09 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Ninja Sweetheart
i dont have the patience for this but ill maybe do like 1 skin
12/01/2019 11:30 am
He/Him • Level 53 : Grandmaster Kitten
music_note on the 1st day of skiiiinmas I forrr-got to do aa skiiiin music_note
12/01/2019 10:05 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
I like the idea, im doing it.
12/01/2019 8:16 am
She/Her • Level 74 : Legendary Princess Kitten
I'll be participating in this, but I'll be using my own prompt list ♥ Thank you!
11/30/2019 5:25 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
i'll be joining !
11/30/2019 5:03 pm
Level 25 : Expert Narwhal
i'm in <3
11/30/2019 1:21 pm
She/Her • Level 56 : Grandmaster Princess Sweetheart
i may do this although i am also participating in another one...
11/28/2019 10:53 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
I'm doing it! So exited!
