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SKINTOBER | prompt list & video series

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Level 78 : Legendary Elf
Skintober 2018

I've heard of some skin artists doing it, so I decided to do it myself! I compiled a list of 31 prompts for skins for every day in October, all centered around the theme of Halloween!

Anyone's welcome to use this list as well, and don't stress about whether or not you can keep up with a skin a day, lots of people just do as many as they are able :)

Anyway, here's the list!
SKINTOBER | prompt list & video series

So what is skintober?
Every year, artists everywhere participate in the "Inktober" challenge; Inktober is when an artist creates one artwork each day throughout all of October. They use a list of 31 prompts (ideas), usually centered around Halloween or autumn related concepts, for the theme of that artwork! Skintober is the same exact thing, but with skins instead of painting/drawing. For Skintober, skin artists create a skin a day, each one centered around the prompt for that day! The list of prompts above is what I'll be using, feel free to use it as well!

When is it?
Skintober lasts from Oct. 1st to Oct. 31st

Skintober YouTube Video Series

I'll be posting a speedpaint video every 4 days in October on my YT channel, each featuring the sped up creation process of 4 skins, and if all goes well and I succeed in being productive and responsible, there should be 8 videos by the end of October!


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10/03/2018 8:43 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Toast
Here is a blog on all of my skins for this year!
10/03/2018 10:59 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
I will definitely try this, it sounds like a lot of fun! Don't think i will be able to do them all, and some may be posted a little late but I'll do my best :D I just have one quick question: should I upload the skins to Skindex or Planet Minecraft?
10/05/2018 1:42 pm
Level 78 : Legendary Elf
Sorry for replying late x3 either would work, but preferably PMC :)
10/02/2018 8:15 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Toast
Seems like an amazing contest!
Here goes my next few days making all of the skins.
10/02/2018 8:07 pm
Level 40 : Master Magical Girl
Oh shoot, I was making my own prompts....Is that ok? Or did I totally mess up? XD
10/02/2018 11:39 pm
Level 78 : Legendary Elf
That's totally fine! Skintober is just making a skin a day for the month of October, and this prompt list is just to help people out! :p
10/02/2018 8:28 am
Level 49 : Master Nerd
I think six days I'll try posting six skins - i dunno though, it'd take a long time to get it all finished by that day. OwO
10/01/2018 10:12 pm
Any/All • Level 68 : High Grandmaster Lemon Nerd
Sadly I will only be able to make like 4 for the event. Yeah that's what I get for only being able to make skins on weekends and have packed play times with friends and stuff. It's so sad, I hope that's ok.
10/01/2018 10:26 pm
Level 78 : Legendary Elf
don't worry about it! the point is to have fun, so however many skins you're able to do or however many you want to do is perfect!!
10/01/2018 8:53 pm
Level 41 : Master Toast
Awesome! I will try to do as many as I can!
