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A Crafty Comparison: Xbox, PC and Pocket Edition

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Level 39 : Artisan Caveman
When I began playing Minecraft about a year ago, I was a, to say the least, Beginner. Figuring out what a furnace did was one thing, but learning how to craft all the wonderful things Minecraft has to offer? Forget it!

That's when I was saved, by Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition. At first, I didn't know what to expect. Prior to Minecraft I played few PC games besides a bit of Wizard101 and Runescape. Minecraft on the computer was too tricky, too complicated, and I didn't enjoy it. But I had and have been an Xbox 360 Gamer for Years.

Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition offered a simpler, easier, more enjoyable Minecraft experience to a Novice like myself. The biggest thing that I noticed was how different the crafting was. On the Xbox, upon opening a crafting table, you get a few tabs that you can toggle through. Each tab represents a category of item. Find the category, see the item, get the recipe displayed for you, and voila! Easy!

Even as new items were added to the game, It was easy to figure out how and in this case where to make them.

For those of you who don't know, the crafting table interface on the Xbox looks like this:


So as you can see, it wasn't hard for me to play. From repetition, I began to learn and memorize recipes for different items, just from seeing them. But I didn't have to actually lay them out myself.

Then came pocket edition. Upon receiving a $15 ITunes Gift card, I bought the full version of Minecraft Pocket Edition for my IPad.

And I hated it.


It was much too difficult to move, to mine and place and everything. There weren't any caves, the worlds were boring and you could only craft about 20 things. But the one thing I liked was the crafting. The interface on the IPad couldn't be simpler. Find the page (category) , scroll down, click the item. It would illuminate if you had the proper supplies. If not, it would show you what and how much you needed.

For those of you who don't know, the interface looks like this:


Even as the game got a few updates I found myself only playing it when the Xbox was occupied.

But not once did I consider returning to PC Minecraft.

Until a few months ago. It was winter break and I was home alone. I couldn't go outside in the gross seattle weather, and none of my friends were home, so I chose instead to play Minecraft instead. Too bad my Xbox decided to give me the red ring o' death.

It must have been fate.

My sister had the IPad and was away from home. It left me staring at the home screen of PC Minecraft, like a confused animal. But I decided to play anyways. A few hours later and I was hooked.

Since that day, Minecraft has been an everyday thing for me. I've experimented many times with owning servers, and lets say that's been a failure for the most part. I've tried to make skins and maps, and once even a texture pack. I joined a Minecraft Server & Community called Shadecrest where I got hooked on multiplayer for good. And one day I discovered PlanetMinecraft.com.

The one thing that always strikes me as interesting was the differences between the games, that is, the three versions of Minecraft. So here's what I think.

4J Studios and Mojang have made Xbox Edition different than PC/Mac Minecraft on Purpose. For many hardcore, programmer/builder/skinner/whatever committed PC players, the Xbox edition is a silly rip off. I can see where their coming from. But they aren't the target audience.

I often play Minecraft with my younger sisters, who are 9, on the Xbox. They understand it, and are now able to do almost as much as I can in that regard. But the one time I let my sister play PC Minecraft, she had no Idea how to play. Not just how to control, but what all the complex things involved were, and how to craft everything. TooManyItems, or as I understand now, NotEnoughItems mod for Minecraft help remedy that, but in Vanilla Minecraft, for someone coming from Xbox, it makes so little sense.

"Servers, Mods, Textures?". "What does a command block do?". "How do you craft sponge?". Point Made.

In conclusion, what I've been getting at this whole time, and what I've hinted at a bit, is that I think there is a good reason that there are aspects of Xbox and PC edition a lot different from PC/Mac. It may not attract hardcore PC gamers, but I'm, in a sense, glad I started off playing on the Xbox and IPad. I have no doubt that Xbox and Pocket Edition will continue to be updated to be more like PC, but will they ever be the same?

I doubt It.

TLDR: That's too bad. You should read it. But if you must, it can be summarized by saying that Minecraft Pocket Edition is pretty much the lamest game ever.

Joking :P

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3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by MCRique 07/03/2013 5:24:41 pmJul 3rd, 2013

Added end section! Lets shoot for pop reel :P

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