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A Dream of Unification!

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Clue's Avatar Clue
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Hello fellow Minecrafters!

I would like to talk about pixel art:

Some people on PMC would wish to ban pixel art, because of the increasing number of people "cheating" by using exterior programs.

These are my thoughts:

Meh, I don't like pixel art.

IF I had the power to ban it, would I?


Even if people cheat, I fail to see the point.

What is the difference between a Level 1 Miner and a Level 500 Miner?

One person had a decent idea, and people liked it.

I could take pixelated apples, and slap them on a pixelated stick, and rub pixelated caramel, and post it on PMC, and people could like it, and I could get hundreds of levels.

And what have I gained?

A website for a video game that will most likely be gone before the decade ends has me on a high rank that proves nothing.

i cud tak liek dis, and be level 9001, and would anyone respect me?


((exception being those who use MCedit, WorldEdit, Etc.

What should matter is that YOU feel that YOU have contributed, and YOU feel proud.

The people who use exterior programs, what of it?

Do they feel proud of what the program did in under 10 seconds.


((exception being those who use MCedit, WorldEdit, Etc.))

((Also, I believe the big difference between MCEdit/WorldEdit/Etc in most minds is that those devices take a while to learn fully, and takes moderate-large effort to utilize))

I know a person who is, like, level 10, and I think he is a very intelligent and respectable person.

I know a person who was once JUST like that person, then became excessively popular, and I respect them just as I respect the level 10 Miner.

Which one do I like better?

The Level 10 Miner, because the excessively popular one either became to busy and couldn't really do anything that I was involved with, because they were trying to stay popular.

I used to try to become popular on this site, and I tried various methods, and it wasn't working out so I became angry and unofficially left for a time being.

In that time period, I discovered, "Why in Sam's Name do I even care!?"

Why would I want to be popular in a virtual reality, or a related existence.

Why would I want people who I would pretty much never meet and get to know be begging for more from me?

So I ask this, why do you want the people who "cheat" to stop?

Is it because you want them to feel better about their lives and are afraid they might spiral into a deep dark depression because they stop feeling proud about themselves?

I am pretty sure that you don't.

I am pretty sure it is because YOU want to be on the popular reel.

And to that I say: "Who Really Cares?"

This entire website, all of Minecraft will, most likely, be gone in 5-10 years.

And if not, computers will change, and Minecraft won't run anymore, so it only lived a SLIGHTLY longer life, and this website would be unneeded, and all of your achievements would be lost for ever, and all of the people who cheat's achievements will be gone.

So why?

Why do you really care?

Does it really matter whether you are the top of the top, but no one likes to converse with you.?

To know your vitual self?

It probably doesn't, because I believe that having fun is more important than being successful.

Who knows? Maybe this point of view may even unify us!

My two cents on the matter.

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05/25/2012 12:19 am
Level 41 : Master Mountaineer
doublejinxx's Avatar
This is very intellectual, and I admire your point of view. I agree that striving to be popular online isn't a worthwhile goal. What is worthwhile is having fun and perhaps enhancing your skill in a particular area, or even keeping a good mindset. (Even if this is done online)

Diamond and sub 4 u!
05/16/2012 7:51 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
AntVenom99's Avatar
I disagree. Two words: Legendary Taco.
Also, why would you say minecraft will shut down in ten years? That's evil.
05/16/2012 7:52 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
Not even ten, really.
05/16/2012 8:01 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
AntVenom99's Avatar
People still play Tetris and PacMan.
05/16/2012 8:26 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
Your point?
I am saying that it is highly unlikely that Minecraft will last for ten years.
05/16/2012 8:29 pm
Level 21 : Expert Dragonborn
AntVenom99's Avatar
Why not? It's still updating even.
05/29/2012 8:10 pm
Level 44 : Master Sweetheart
Dinodaw's Avatar
Minecraft could, probably last for more then 10 years. Well it keep updating? maybe not. Will it have as many players? maybe not. But I know I'll be playing it for a while.
04/21/2012 7:58 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc380562's Avatar
04/21/2012 3:13 am
Level 34 : Artisan Pokemon
NobSwitch's Avatar
I found the paragraphing annoying to read :l
04/21/2012 3:15 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
It was actually a mistake, I put it into the Word document to spell check, because for whatever reason the spell check of PMC wasn't working at the time, and when I brought it back out, it was like this, and I didn't really know how to fix it.
I personally like it, easier to read for my poor eyes, but we are all entitled to our own opinions.
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