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The Diary of a Ghast

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Clue's Avatar Clue
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Diary of a Ghast

[NOTE: The Diary is covered in scorch marks and was near illegible.]

Month 8, Day 7:

Hello diary! My name is Haley E. Xplosive I am here to inscribe my life so it may not be forgotten.

I was born in the usual way a ghast is, in a hatchery, a room filled with thousands of other pods, all cared for by impish beings called Blazes. I was adopted by the PGNDA (Pigman and Ghast Nether Defense Army) as most other ghasts are, and was assigned to the secretive operations unit.

Month 8, Day 10:

I was assigned a secretive mission today. I was to escort a group of 5 pigman snipers to the Hatchery HQ, and was told to wait behind the nearby stalagmites until the signal was given. As I waited, I heard strange noises emmit from the control tower, and before I knew it, I heard an ear-splitting explosion, and soon after, some far away explosions. I fear the worst, and as I peek behind the pillar, my fears are confirmed. The hatcheries were destroyed. As my mind shattered at the realization of the fact that the Pigmen wanted the Ghasts gone.

Month 9, Day 5:

It has been awhile since I have last written, but it was an eventful time period. I was not proud of what I did there, I broke my oath, and fled. I decided to spread the truth of what happened to the hatcheries. Soon later, the Ghasts and Blazes had assembled a rebellion army, and the Magmic Cubes were not far from joining us as well. We decided to try to enlist the aid of humans, so we marched to the town of Glowfen, let us just say we did not receive a warm welcome. Our superior numbers, ability to fly, and generaly destructive abilities led us to victory. At a loss of what to do, we ravaged the town, and in this, we discovered The Great Portal, and portal to the Overworld, large enough to fit any mob. So we sent a team of Ghasts and Blazes to the Overworld, I was among that group.

Month 9, Day 10:

Five days of traveling has taxed us all, and we were already angered at what we saw, we saw a tyrannical human epire, a dwindling "Creeper" population, witless Zombies, very few Skeletons, and no sign of any Endermen, we were able to enlist only the skeletons. The otehrs were to busy tryi ng to fiure out what to do. Suddenly, a thought struck me. What of we were to use the power of The Nether to destroy the humans? The Power was a sacrificial ceremony, where five of each mob that was to remain was slaughtered on the full moon, on the Altar of Black Sorrows.

Month 12 Day 11:

It sure has been a while since I have written in here.

The war between the Pigmen and Ghasts was simple, with the Magmic Army arrayed before us, when we re-entered the Nether (Magmic Cubes breed like rabbits.) we severely out numbered the Pigmen, and were able to not only defeat them with little casualties, but also capture five of them for the ceremony. Speaking of the Ceremony, it is going to occur soon. The walk was long and hard, but it was well worth it, the Temple is amazing, beautiful sculptures and friezes, magnificent tapestries, and a surprise awaited us indeed, the Temple was constructed by Endermen long ago, and there were the last of the Endermen, in a state of cyro-sleep, we unthawed them and told them about what was happening, the agreed that the ceremony was the only cure, and set about to prepare it.

Month 12: Day 12 The ceremony was terrifying, the Temple rumbled with Dark Power, and I litterally sensed the humans crumbling to dust. It was magnificent, now the Ghasts could freely march the lands of the Overworld once more. And it is with this, that I bid you farewell, my diary.

I hope you enjoyed my little diary, they seemed to be popular, so I decided to try my luck.

You propably know the routine of what you do if you liked it:Give digital diamond,Comment, and Suscribe. :D
Have a good day/night, ladie/gentlemen.

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05/03/2012 12:23 am
Level 45 : Master Network
accountfleftfordead's Avatar
With your permition, can i put this in my minecraft library, you get all the credit
05/03/2012 12:40 am
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
05/07/2012 4:19 pm
Level 45 : Master Network
accountfleftfordead's Avatar
you can find thisin my library map in the nether
04/21/2012 7:54 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc380562's Avatar
04/21/2012 8:07 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
Thank you.
04/21/2012 8:11 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc380562's Avatar
01/13/2012 2:34 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
monsterhunter11's Avatar
good story but ghasts are people banished to the nether
01/13/2012 3:30 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
Clue's Avatar
Says whom?
