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A Knights Tale (Middle Ages Contest)

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WizardOfCheese's Avatar WizardOfCheese
Level 47 : Master Miner
Once upon a block, a young poor couple lived in a wooden house inside the castle walls.thus they were protected. their names were Ella and Charlie Goodman,their son called Steve was really into inspired by the knights watching them go to fight for their kingdom marching towards Canterbury. Steve was very inspired by this and went to the local store to get some wooden planks he got with his money from his birthday his dad made him what was called a wooden sword he used this on the training blocks outside the armoury. one day the knights of sugar cane gathered round and was all told new knights were needed when young Steve heard of this is was a miracle the poster showed a man in full iron armour and a iron sword enchanted with knock back 1! it said the due date for this was on Friday the current date was Thursday so he had to work fast. He told his mum and dad and they were delighted that their son would be a squire. so he went up the humongous castle stair to become a squire soon to be knight he was now a squire he was told that he must train for 1 whole month to become a real knight passing many challenges! The first challenge was to fight another recruit he fought brave and knocked out his opponent. The second challenge was to run from one stop to another with full iron armour on this was not easy as the ground was soul sand.he stood strong and pushed himself to victory. The third challenge was to k.o one of the current knights this was not easy for young Steve but he roared with mighty power and made him give up.young Steve had now passed to be a knight and his duty was to protect the city with all his mighty power.
One day came when the strong archers of Canterbury with the mighty mob army came charging all it took was two creepers to take down the castle wall he fired one of his arrows directly in a zombies head and then he had jumped down into a mob army he used the creeper to his advantage,and jumped out the way leaving rubble,flesh and bones behind. it was over.so he thought this horrible Steve like thing pinned Steve to the ground saying just you dont know what you just did.king Gary slashed his knock back sword over his body leaving him vulnerable. Steve finished him off with one big slash... whispers covered everyone's head with the word.one word. Herobrine.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by WizardOfCheese 10/26/2012 1:29:54 pmOct 26th, 2012

Improved My Grammar And Added A Better Picture

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10/26/2012 9:29 pm
Level 25 : Expert Architect
LivingEntity's Avatar
Describe the challenges more. It'll be much more interesting to read.
10/26/2012 2:48 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Luthery's Avatar
I just want to bash my head into the keyboard because of the unorginazed text making it be so uninteresting and worthless to read. Pro tip, add some space beetwhen what you read. Just to make it easyer to read and get a better interest in it. Otherwise it was a pretty good beginning of a story.
10/26/2012 2:50 pm
Level 47 : Master Miner
WizardOfCheese's Avatar
thanks will do so like make it into paragraphs etc ?
10/26/2012 2:55 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Luthery's Avatar
I guess so. I mean something like this :

"The brave knight walked over the cliff, jumped from the cliff with his brave steed falling with him. It was took some time until they finally landed in the water with a splash. The knight looked up and didn't see him there anymore on the cliff, he thought to himself that he had lost him.

He went up, out of the water and made a small fire out of some sticks he found nearby in the area."
10/26/2012 2:56 pm
Level 47 : Master Miner
WizardOfCheese's Avatar
10/26/2012 3:02 pm
Level 47 : Master Miner
WizardOfCheese's Avatar
Is This Any Better I Dont Think I Did Well For My First Try
10/18/2012 1:16 pm
Level 45 : Master Pixel Painter
ProGamingCrew's Avatar
great story
10/18/2012 1:16 pm
Level 47 : Master Miner
WizardOfCheese's Avatar
thank you
10/18/2012 1:19 pm
Level 45 : Master Pixel Painter
ProGamingCrew's Avatar
i dont wanna say something against your castle but can u pl s make it better. furniture wuold be also good . fdont hate me now. just a hint
10/18/2012 1:20 pm
Level 47 : Master Miner
WizardOfCheese's Avatar
yh okay i did not put much time into the room and decorations i will get that doing thanks for the hint
