Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How To Survive On A Prison Server.

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WizardOfCheese's Avatar WizardOfCheese
Level 47 : Master Miner
Hello Pmc,
Today I Am Bringing You A Tutorial On How To Survive On A Prison Server.

Tip 1: If You First Joined Try And Make Friends You Want People To Stick Up For You. Eg, Someone's Killing You.

Tip 2: If They Have The Virtual Kits Plugin Use The Backpack To Store Your Items In You Dont Want Them Being Nicked By Some Jackass With A D Sword.

Tip 3:If The Ore Spawns Are The Same Every Reset Note Down The Coords Of Them.

On A Jail Server There Is Usually 3 Paths Chopping Wood,Being A Jackass With A Stone Sword Or Mining.

Chopping Wood- Remember To Use The Virtual Chest.

Mining-Use Virtual Chest,And Dont Waste Your Iron On Armour It Makes You A Target.

Being A Jackass With A Sword-
First Off You Need To Know How To Pvp I Made A Blog About It Here,Act Like A Miner Or A Lumber Jack Then Pull Out A Sword And Take Their Wood&Ores

Hope You Enjoyed Remember To Subscibe To See My Updates And Post
+1 Diamond Maybe?

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10/27/2012 3:02 pm
Level 44 : Master Electrician
Bob_In_Soup's Avatar
Cool, thanks.
