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A Tip for the Younger Guys (and gals!) on PMC

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KirbyMaster555's Avatar KirbyMaster555
Level 39 : Artisan Toast
In third grade, my parents wanted me to change schools. I didn't, because I wanted to stay with my friends. Who was right in the end? Me. They sent me to the new school anyway, because we thought it would be great. It had a gym (my old school didn't have one), and even a swimming pool. When I was in fourth grade, I was bullied. A lot. A lot lot lot. Never beat up, just heavily bullied. Just about every single day, lots of the kids in my class picked on me. Even the teacher made fun of me. I left in March rather than June, because if I'd stayed, I'd have had fifth grade with this teacher too. I stopped doing my homework altogether because my teacher made up excuses as to why I couldn't play at recess, whether she said I was talking when I wasn't, wasn't listening to her when I was, or even claiming that I hadn't done all the assigned problems, even when I had. One day, she said I missed five problems, and to stay in. The kid next to me didn't do them either, and she got to go out. So did just about everybody else. My mom walked in on me trying (unsuccessfully) trying to break my leg or arm by jumping off my bunk bed so I could stay home from school (hehe, I was too much of a wimp to do it, but I threatened my mom all the time). But I did learn some valuable lessons from it, and these can help you out a lot.

1. Tell a parent if this goes on. I know, you're thinking "Oh, they all say that." Well, that's 'cause it's TRUE! Trust me, it's WAY worse to have to deal with being bullied than just telling on somebody.
2. Tell a parent if this goes on. This is ultra important, so it gets number 2 as well. If you have problems with the teacher, talk to your parents, guardians, or a guidance counselor if your school has them. If your teacher treats you unfairly, your parents should contact the principle. And no, "She likes so-and-so more than me!" is NOT a valid reason to complain about your teacher.
3. Don't have 100 OK friends, have one or two AWESOME friends, the kind that will never "turn on" you, and will be with you through good or bad times. Sure, it's cool to be able to say "Oh yeah, Jimmy, Billy, Sally, Julie, Julio, Brad, Jim, Mary, and Joe are my friends," but it's way cooler to say "Timmy would be willing to die for me, and I'd be willing to die for him." Well, if you're of my intended age-group, you don't HAVE to want to die for them, but for you, it's extra credit! :D (Just kidding, don't want to die for ANYBODY until you're at least 13 years of age)
4. Ignore the bullies. If need be, turn to your friend and start a conversation about school, sports, or MINECRAFT! :D
Don't say things like "Do you hear the wind" or "Is that the ice cream truck?" It may seem like you're sticking it to the bully, but this will make them angry, and they might try harder for you to ignore them, or even try to hurt you.
5. This is the oddest one of them all: make friends with the bullies if possible. NEVER BE A BULLY. EVER. NO MATTER WHAT! If you befriend the bullies, not only will they never hurt you physically or emotionally, but you can try to talk them out of bullying others.
6. Stop your friends from being bullies. Number 4 can also be used to stop bullying. Simply start up a conversation with the bully, and they might stop bullying the kid. If they don't forget, as a last resort, you can say something like "Scram, kid" to get the victim away. It may seem mean, but if you can somehow get them to leave, then you can distract your friend long enough for them to forget. It would be better if you point out a friend to the victim that's a distance away, such as saying "Hey, Fred!" to the friend, and trying to get the victim to go to them.
7. TELL YOUR PARENT OR GUARDIAN! This is the number 1 and 2 most important thing on the list, just wanted to remind you.

QUIZ TIME! What, you thought I was gonna teach ya for nothin'? Well you were WRONG! This is to make sure you absorbed the material. It is one question. The good news is that it's only 10% of your final grade for the term. The bad news is there's no prize. Answer in the comments, please!

What should you do if you're being bullied by a student or teacher?
A. Tell a parent.
B. Tell a parent.
C. Tell a parent.
D. All of the above.

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02/19/2012 6:38 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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