Minecraft Blogs / Review

AcrossTheLandsParkourMap -A Minecraft Review

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Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
This Map is by Shgecko and its sprint parkour. Sprint parkour is type of parkour that all you have to do is keep on sprinting and jump on random jumps whithin this map. After I Had played this I thought it was very entertaining because its not hard parkour all I had to do was sprint as the name implies (sprint parkour). It had taken me about 15 mins to complete but i would have had alot less time if there was not lag in the taiga biome. (Dam Taiga XD). The most beautiful parts of the map was the clouds and treehouse at the end. Which it probably took a long time to do this map so plz go check it out yourself and watch my video if you want to see me play. So hope you do watch and also go subscribe if you thought i had done good :) thanks.


1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by PhenomX1001 02/17/2013 8:12:25 pmFeb 17th, 2013

Btw iforgot to give a rating and so the rating would be 9 diamonds out of 10 :)

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