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Addicted to Minecraft?

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Retired Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pig
Hi guys, Greytopher here, and I'm here to talk about a little about minecraft addiction, and its affects on people. You should be weary of how much you play, young 'un, and not end up how I did... I also want to thank dingousa for the blog idea!

The Signs of Being Addicted to Minecraft... A Personal Experience

In retro-spect, you can get addicted to anything. You can be addicted to cigarettes, TV, playing soccer, ect., but in this case: Minecraft. For me, I've been playing the game for almost 2 years, and I'm still not tired of it. I love this game so much, but I know my limits. Last year, I obviously didn't, and I really screwed up my first year at high-school. In this blog, you'll read what the signs of addiction is, how I overcame it, and how others do so as well.

1) You don't leave your room for quite some time. I feel really bad saying this, but I just secluded myself every weekend and did the same old thing: go on my computer, and play Minecraft. I really didn't do much else, like hang with friends, go to the movies, but instead I closed my door and let my imagination run wild. I didn't want to see the outside world, because it was getting worse for me, grades were going down, parents getting all up in my case, and eventually I would seclude myself and play Minecraft because it made me feel welcomed and good inside.I got addicted to it, because it was something that made me feel special, and therefore I never wanted to let go of something that's very close to me.

2) This is your life before school, during school, and afterwards. I literally couldn't stop playing, I had nothing else to do really, but I couldn't stop. I didn't do homework, because I would spend long hours on my computer playing, that I would eventually forget about the stresses at home and at school. This became my life, sadly, and my outside life spiraled down hill.

3) Developing bad habits. I was a bad student last year, to be honest. I was lazy in my work, and not doing anything. I eventually figured out a way to do homework at the very last second, and get away with it, or turning it in late for some partical credit. This because I would only play the goddamn game, and I couldn't stop for the life of me. All I could think was "Is my house doing okay?" "I hope a creeper doesn't blow it up" and things like that. I wouldn't really talk much to my parents, and they were trying to help me succeed, but my greed for the game was too much to listen to them.

4) Ignoring superiors. Now, this doesn't happen in every case of addiction, but sometimes the person who gets addicted won't listen to help or advice. I know I didn't and I was in denial. I didn't want to think that I was addicted to this wonderful game, and whenever my parents asked me about my work and if I was doing it I would ALWAYSreply "Yes, I know..." It's kinda sad how many times I've said this, and how many times it was a lie.

What I am today...

Today, I'm proud to say I've worked it out. I no longer turn in things late, incomplete, ignore my parents, or anything along those lines. I've figured out a way to do the things I love, while at the same doing the school work I need in order to have a successful life. I think I got more control over my life, because I got bored with the game. I lost inspiration to build, but that didn't matter much. I realized school was the most important, because if I do well in school, I'll most likely do well in life. Being addicted to Minecraft doesn't help the fact that it's only a fad, and will spill over soon.

Now, I know this sounds like some kind of sop-story, but hear me out: I want to set the prime example of what not to do, I want you guys to succeed in life. I don't want you to become addicted, worrying about how to build a build, survive on survival, or worry about other things like that. I realized too late, that this was a game. I shouldn't care, since it really won't affect the outcome of my life. Be sure to remember that in your own life, before it takes over you.

Celebrities That Have Taken 'Breaks'

Recently, I've been seeing blogs of 'taking a break', and that's actually a great thing to see, in my opinion. Some of your favorite PMCer's decide to take breaks, meaning they want to have control in their lifes, and in what they do. Recently, ScarletBox, and 1UPMiner have, from the looks of it, taken breaks. They want to stay away from worrying about what to post, like how I feel when I don't post a blog for a long time. I respect them, and that they did it, because I know I wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

Thanks for reading! If you like the blog, leave a diamond, favorite, and overall subscribe for more content!

Please, do not repost this anywhere else on the web without my consent, thank you.

CreditThanks to dingousa for the blog idea!

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01/03/2013 8:45 pm
Level 47 : Master Necromancer
i did the same thing and broke through the same way.

welcome to the "i was addicted to minecraft but broke through" club.
01/04/2013 8:23 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
I broke through ;3 can I join ur club?
01/05/2013 10:45 pm
Level 47 : Master Necromancer
it was a joke.
01/06/2013 2:18 am
Level 23 : Expert Network
I know... I was playing alon >:)
01/06/2013 6:47 pm
Level 47 : Master Necromancer
ok lol
01/06/2013 9:04 pm
Level 23 : Expert Network
10/27/2012 10:30 am
Level 43 : Master Grump
I Play A Lot, But I Have 4 A's And 2 B's.

4 Hours On Weekdays, 5-9 On Weekends.

10/14/2012 1:09 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman System
I only spend(can) play 1 hour on weekdays and 2 on weekends.
10/08/2012 8:52 am
Level 21 : Expert Archer
I always have my 9 hour play throughs but I always have breaks because i get dizzy
10/14/2012 1:05 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman System
